51 |
UPDATED October 2024 About salary data? |
(based on your career and experience) |
Gross income
Net (after tax)
132.7 DZD = 1 USD |
5,260,148 DZD$39,640 USD |
928,886 DZD$7,000 USD |
Average salary in Algiers is 5,260,148 DZD per year. The most typical earning is 928,886 DZD. All data are based on 51 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 5,294,650 DZD. Women receive a salary of 4,697,509 DZD.
The most paid careers are Management & Business with average income 14,251,765 DZD and Health Care & Medical with income 12,884,976 DZD.
Based on education, the highest salaries receive people with Bellow H. School with salary of 9,620,605 DZD. The second most paid education level is Doctorate Degree with salary of 8,107,848 DZD.
Different experiences affect earning as well. People with 16-20 Years of experience receive salary of 14,079,258 DZD. Employees with 20+ Years of experience receive 10,921,045 DZD.
Salary Levels (DZD) per Year | Surveys | [%] |
398,100 DZD -
663,399 DZD
0 |
663,500 DZD -
1,326,799 DZD
12 |
23.53% |
1,327,000 DZD -
1,990,299 DZD
12 |
23.53% |
1,990,500 DZD -
2,653,799 DZD
2 |
3.92% |
2,654,000 DZD -
3,317,299 DZD
6 |
11.76% |
3,317,500 DZD -
3,980,799 DZD
2 |
3.92% |
3,980,900 DZD -
4,644,299 DZD
0 |
4,644,400 DZD -
5,307,799 DZD
0 |
5,307,900 DZD -
5,971,299 DZD
2 |
3.92% |
5,971,400 DZD -
6,634,799 DZD
1 |
1.96% |
6,634,900 DZD -
7,298,299 DZD
2 |
3.92% |
7,298,400 DZD -
7,961,699 DZD
1 |
1.96% |
7,961,900 DZD -
8,625,199 DZD
0 |
8,625,400 DZD -
9,288,699 DZD
1 |
1.96% |
9,288,900 DZD -
9,952,199 DZD
2 |
3.92% |
9,952,400 DZD -
10,615,699 DZD
1 |
1.96% |
10,615,800 DZD -
11,279,199 DZD
0 |
11,279,300 DZD -
11,942,699 DZD
1 |
1.96% |
11,942,800 DZD -
12,606,199 DZD
0 |
12,606,300 DZD -
13,269,699 DZD
3 |
5.88% |
13,269,800 DZD -
13,933,199 DZD
0 |
13,933,300 DZD -
14,596,599 DZD
0 |
14,596,800 DZD -
15,260,099 DZD
0 |
15,260,300 DZD -
15,923,599 DZD
0 |
15,923,800 DZD -
16,587,099 DZD
0 |
16,587,300 DZD -
17,250,599 DZD
1 |
1.96% |
17,250,700 DZD -
17,914,099 DZD
0 |
17,914,200 DZD -
18,577,599 DZD
0 |
18,577,700 DZD -
19,241,099 DZD
0 |
19,241,200 DZD -
19,904,599 DZD
0 |
19,904,700 DZD -
21,231,499 DZD
0 |
21,231,700 DZD -
22,558,499 DZD
0 |
22,558,700 DZD -
23,885,499 DZD
0 |
23,885,600 DZD -
25,212,499 DZD
0 |
25,212,600 DZD -
26,539,499 DZD
0 |
26,539,600 DZD -
27,866,399 DZD
0 |
27,866,600 DZD -
29,193,399 DZD
1 |
1.96% |
29,193,600 DZD -
30,520,399 DZD
0 |
30,520,500 DZD -
31,847,399 DZD
0 |
31,847,500 DZD -
33,174,399 DZD
0 |
33,174,500 DZD -
46,444,299 DZD
1 |
1.96% |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Bellow H. School | 2 | 9,620,605 DZD |
2 | Doctorate Degree | 5 | 8,107,848 DZD |
3 | Bachelors Degree | 17 | 6,170,457 DZD |
4 | Masters Degree | 22 | 4,113,638 DZD |
5 | Some College | 4 | 2,680,499 DZD |
6 | High School | 1 | 2,468,182 DZD |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | 16-20 Years | 4 | 14,079,258 DZD |
2 | 20+ Years | 5 | 10,921,045 DZD |
3 | 12-16 Years | 6 | 8,054,768 DZD |
4 | 8-12 Years | 12 | 4,312,685 DZD |
5 | 2-4 Years | 8 | 3,728,813 DZD |
6 | 4-8 Years | 10 | 1,990,470 DZD |
7 | 0-1 Year | 2 | 1,486,217 DZD |
8 | 1-2 Years | 4 | 1,141,202 DZD |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Contract | 12 | 5,520,236 DZD |
2 | Permanent | 37 | 5,334,459 DZD |
3 | Self Employed | 2 | 2,322,215 DZD |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Management & Business | 8 | 14,251,765 DZD |
2 | Health Care & Medical | 1 | 12,884,976 DZD |
3 | Engineers & Technicians V | 2 | 11,199,711 DZD |
4 | Accounting & Administration | 3 | 6,979,915 DZD |
5 | Restaurants, Inns, Pubs | 1 | 6,634,900 DZD |
6 | Manufacturing & Labor Workers | 1 | 6,342,964 DZD |
7 | Security & Fireguard | 1 | 5,599,855 DZD |
8 | IT & Programming | 7 | 3,649,195 DZD |
9 | Law | 1 | 3,038,784 DZD |
10 | IT & Programming II | 5 | 2,972,435 DZD |
11 | Public Sector | 1 | 2,932,625 DZD |
12 | Finance & Banking | 2 | 2,454,913 DZD |
13 | Customer Services | 1 | 2,428,373 DZD |
14 | Marketing, Sales, Purchase | 3 | 1,977,200 DZD |
15 | Making Design | 1 | 1,685,264 DZD |
16 | Engineers & Technicians | 4 | 1,645,455 DZD |
17 | Education & University | 3 | 1,486,217 DZD |
18 | Construction & Labor Workers | 2 | 1,366,789 DZD |
19 | Media | 1 | 1,326,980 DZD |
20 | Architect Constructions | 1 | 1,088,123 DZD |
21 | Insurance | 1 | 928,886 DZD |
22 | Military | 1 | 915,616 DZD |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Director | 1 | 28,092,167 DZD |
2 | General Manager | 4 | 16,454,552 DZD |
3 | Nursing Assistant | 1 | 12,884,976 DZD |
4 | Certified Bookkeeper | 1 | 12,606,310 DZD |
5 | Other Engineer Career | 2 | 11,199,711 DZD |
6 | Network Specialist | 1 | 10,085,048 DZD |
7 | Manager | 1 | 8,665,179 DZD |
8 | Java Developer | 2 | 7,855,721 DZD |
9 | Program Manager | 1 | 7,563,786 DZD |
10 | Lead Accountant | 1 | 6,966,645 DZD |
11 | Bar Manager | 1 | 6,634,900 DZD |
12 | Quality Coordinator | 1 | 6,342,964 DZD |
13 | Safety Manager | 1 | 5,599,855 DZD |
14 | Project Manager | 1 | 3,888,051 DZD |
15 | Purchasing Manager | 1 | 3,330,719 DZD |
16 | Risk Manager | 1 | 3,317,450 DZD |
17 | Other Law Career | 1 | 3,038,784 DZD |
18 | Other Public Sector Career | 1 | 2,932,625 DZD |
19 | Electrical Engineer | 1 | 2,799,927 DZD |
20 | Customer Service Manager | 1 | 2,428,373 DZD |
21 | Software Developer | 2 | 2,136,437 DZD |
22 | Lead Developer | 2 | 1,924,121 DZD |
23 | Mechanical Engineer | 1 | 1,831,232 DZD |
24 | Data-warehouse Engineer | 1 | 1,725,074 DZD |
25 | Sales Representative | 1 | 1,698,534 DZD |
26 | Graphic Designer | 1 | 1,685,264 DZD |
27 | MBA | 1 | 1,592,376 DZD |
28 | System Administrator | 1 | 1,565,836 DZD |
29 | Teacher | 1 | 1,539,296 DZD |
30 | Lecturer | 2 | 1,446,408 DZD |
31 | CPA - Certified Public Accountant | 1 | 1,380,059 DZD |
32 | Construction Worker | 2 | 1,366,789 DZD |
33 | Cameraman | 1 | 1,326,980 DZD |
34 | Computer Engineer | 1 | 1,181,012 DZD |
35 | Hardware Engineer | 1 | 1,127,933 DZD |
36 | Architect | 1 | 1,088,123 DZD |
37 | Engineer | 2 | 981,965 DZD |
38 | Title Insurance | 1 | 928,886 DZD |
39 | Sergeant | 1 | 915,616 DZD |
40 | Security Specialist | 1 | 902,346 DZD |
41 | Sales Administrator | 1 | 902,346 DZD |
What I do?
"C# dotnet and fullstack."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 1,183,700 DZD |
What I do?
"Service provider."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 0-1 Year | Intermediate | 1,591,800 DZD |
What I do?
"Teaching, Research, Tutor, Supervision."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Doctorate Degree | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 1,620,900 DZD |
What I do?
"Hardware / software development."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 1-2 Years | Advanced | 1,132,200 DZD |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 16-20 Years | Expert | 9,624,300 DZD |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bellow H. School | 8-12 Years | Intermediate | 12,606,300 DZD |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 1,701,500 DZD |
What I do?
"Manage bar."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bellow H. School | 2-4 Years | Intermediate | 6,634,900 DZD |
What I do?
"Goat shaving."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Some College | 0-1 Year | Advanced | 1,377,900 DZD |
What I do?
"This, that and that another."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Doctorate Degree | 2-4 Years | Intermediate | 1,327,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Stuff, things, other things."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | Advanced | 928,900 DZD |
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 12-16 Years | Expert | 12,890,500 DZD |
What I do?
"Procurement Proffessionala ccross a wide region."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 8-12 Years | Expert | 3,335,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Work 13 hours a day is a must, 21 paid vacations a year."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Some College | 8-12 Years | n/a | 914,700 DZD |
What I do?
"Java Backend Developer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 13,256,700 DZD |
What I do?
"Working in an International pharmaceutical company, my main task are Collection supervisor for North Africa Countries/Lead of external accountant team in North Africa countries/review and approve local payments."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Some College | 8-12 Years | n/a | 6,970,800 DZD |
What I do?
"Market analysis/ trading execution on the stock / commodeties / forex markets."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 3,314,100 DZD |
What I do?
"It Security; Firewalls, Load Balancer, Anti Virus, Proxies, VPNs."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 1-2 Years | n/a | 896,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Manage project in energy."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 7,564,100 DZD |
What I do?
"Electrical engineer, Supervisor, QC inspector."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 2,799,900 DZD |
What I do?
"Security, CCTV, incident Management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 5,600,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Sales and purchasing."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 896,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Senior lead web developer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 2,687,900 DZD |
What I do?
"In charge of mainteance."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 873,600 DZD |
What I do?
"• Provide the back-office Consulting support and operation • Respond to internal and external customer requests for technical issue resolution, using technical product knowledge and analytical skills while adhering to sound engineering principles, standards, practices, procedures • Establish and maintain relationships with customers to make customer technical issues/requirements understood and addressed in a timely manner. • Prepare technical presentations Customers ensuring the timely communication of significant issues or developments. • Act as a leader on specific tasks that require a broad experience base • Identify plans to ensure technical requirements, and schedules are met • Interface with external organizations and supporting functions, and directs / coordinates the efforts of project team members in order to accomplish overall goals • Integrate UDC (CUDB, HLR, HSS, PG) to CS, EPC and IMS network • Migration of subscriber from classic HLR to UDC platform • Daily O&M HLR, HSS, CUDB, DSC, PG • IMS integration • IMS troubleshooting • IMS customer trainings • NVF, CEE, HDS 8000 BSP • IMS (PCSCF CSCF, HSS MTAS, SBG) maintenance, testing, troubleshooting scenario • DSC (Diameter signaling controller) O&M • Fault management • Ticket handling • Software update and Upgrade."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 10,081,100 DZD |
What I do?
"I'm a Business Intelligence Developer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 1,724,700 DZD |
What I do?
"Painter Specialized Paint."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 1,568,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Master and Bachelor degree lecturer at IAE management Business School."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Doctorate Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 1,276,700 DZD |
What I do?
"I worked for multi-vendor under multiple platform."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 2,807,500 DZD |
What I do?
"Oil and gas project manager."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | 16,800,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Establish and enforce compliance with security policies, procedures for network usage and take all necessary measures to protect the security and integrity of the network Develop project plans with timelines and budgets and manage their implementation to ensure achievement of desired results."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 1,568,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Java / android developer (front-end, backend, android and ios)."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | High School | 8-12 Years | n/a | 2,463,900 DZD |
What I do?
"Design and architect for mobile network."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 5,600,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Process and Quality in charge of steel plant."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | 6,343,600 DZD |
What I do?
"Design, analyse and evaluate electrical cabinet design alongside with other engineers."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 1-2 Years | n/a | 1,097,500 DZD |
What I do?
"Teaching homeschool students."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | 1,545,400 DZD |
What I do?
"Lean six sigma Supply chain Management Consultant."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 8,663,600 DZD |
What I do?
"Manage operations, safety, engineering of port. Manage profit and loss of departments. Strategize for optimal resource efficiency and productivity. Manage positive industrial relations. Frontline in customer service."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 11,707,500 DZD |
What I do?
"Civil engineer junior."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 1,170,700 DZD |
What I do?
"An experienced graphic designer, working in advertising field, making ad campaigns (Print/Digital/TVC), packaging design, web design, corporate branding, etc. . ."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 1,685,800 DZD |
What I do?
"General management and sales."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 9,366,100 DZD |
What I do?
"Lead developer in an it company based in algiers."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Doctorate Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 1,170,700 DZD |
What I do?
"Country manager for oil and gas company."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | 28,098,300 DZD |
What I do?
"Medical doctor with 20 years experience in top pharmaceutical companies."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Doctorate Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 35,122,900 DZD |
What I do?
"- provide strategic Tax and Legal consultations to a world class clients in Algeria; - Provhde trainings to internal stakeholders;."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 3,044,000 DZD |
What I do?
"Hse manager in public and administer the rules."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 2,926,800 DZD |
What I do?
"Project Manager, Manage anover all project coordination for specfic requireent of the company i work for."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 3,890,200 DZD |
What I do?
"Customer Service Manager, supports all demand."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 2,431,300 DZD |
What I do?
"Architect in a construction company in the capital."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Algiers | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 1,094,100 DZD |