53 |
UPDATED October 2024 About salary data? |
(based on your career and experience) |
Gross income
Net (after tax)
1315.01 IQD = 1 USD |
75,485,247 IQD$57,403 USD |
15,780,063 IQD$12,000 USD |
Average salary in Arbil is 75,485,247 IQD per year. The most typical earning is 15,780,063 IQD. All data are based on 53 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 86,264,345 IQD. Women receive a salary of 32,349,129 IQD.
The most paid careers are IT & Programming with average income 178,709,216 IQD and Health Care & Medical with income 145,176,581 IQD.
Based on education, the highest salaries receive people with Bachelors Degree with salary of 82,056,328 IQD. The second most paid education level is Masters Degree with salary of 78,768,815 IQD.
Different experiences affect earning as well. People with 16-20 Years of experience receive salary of 146,754,588 IQD. Employees with 20+ Years of experience receive 127,161,009 IQD.
Salary Levels (IQD) per Year | Surveys | [%] |
3,945,000 IQD -
6,573,699 IQD
0 |
6,575,000 IQD -
13,148,699 IQD
2 |
3.77% |
13,150,100 IQD -
19,723,799 IQD
10 |
18.87% |
19,725,100 IQD -
26,298,799 IQD
3 |
5.66% |
26,300,100 IQD -
32,873,799 IQD
6 |
11.32% |
32,875,100 IQD -
39,448,799 IQD
4 |
7.55% |
39,450,200 IQD -
46,023,899 IQD
3 |
5.66% |
46,025,200 IQD -
52,598,899 IQD
5 |
9.43% |
52,600,200 IQD -
59,173,899 IQD
2 |
3.77% |
59,175,200 IQD -
65,748,899 IQD
0 |
65,750,300 IQD -
72,323,999 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
72,325,300 IQD -
78,898,999 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
78,900,300 IQD -
85,473,999 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
85,475,300 IQD -
92,049,099 IQD
3 |
5.66% |
92,050,400 IQD -
98,624,099 IQD
0 |
98,625,400 IQD -
105,199,099 IQD
0 |
105,200,400 IQD -
111,774,099 IQD
2 |
3.77% |
111,775,400 IQD -
118,349,199 IQD
0 |
118,350,500 IQD -
124,924,199 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
124,925,500 IQD -
131,499,199 IQD
0 |
131,500,500 IQD -
138,074,199 IQD
0 |
138,075,600 IQD -
144,649,299 IQD
2 |
3.77% |
144,650,600 IQD -
151,224,299 IQD
0 |
151,225,600 IQD -
157,799,299 IQD
0 |
157,800,600 IQD -
164,374,299 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
164,375,700 IQD -
170,949,399 IQD
0 |
170,950,700 IQD -
177,524,399 IQD
0 |
177,525,700 IQD -
184,099,399 IQD
0 |
184,100,700 IQD -
190,674,399 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
190,675,800 IQD -
197,249,499 IQD
0 |
197,250,800 IQD -
210,399,499 IQD
0 |
210,400,800 IQD -
223,549,599 IQD
0 |
223,550,900 IQD -
236,699,599 IQD
0 |
236,700,900 IQD -
249,849,699 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
249,851,000 IQD -
262,999,699 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
263,001,100 IQD -
276,149,799 IQD
0 |
276,151,100 IQD -
289,299,799 IQD
1 |
1.89% |
289,301,200 IQD -
302,449,899 IQD
0 |
302,451,200 IQD -
315,599,899 IQD
0 |
315,601,300 IQD -
328,749,999 IQD
0 |
328,751,300 IQD -
460,251,799 IQD
2 |
3.77% |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Bachelors Degree | 26 | 82,056,328 IQD |
2 | Masters Degree | 13 | 78,768,815 IQD |
3 | Doctorate Degree | 6 | 71,799,287 IQD |
4 | Some College | 4 | 55,361,721 IQD |
5 | High School | 4 | 47,734,691 IQD |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | 16-20 Years | 3 | 146,754,588 IQD |
2 | 20+ Years | 2 | 127,161,009 IQD |
3 | 12-16 Years | 6 | 102,044,408 IQD |
4 | 1-2 Years | 4 | 100,729,403 IQD |
5 | 2-4 Years | 10 | 74,429,298 IQD |
6 | 8-12 Years | 9 | 69,695,279 IQD |
7 | 4-8 Years | 14 | 57,597,230 IQD |
8 | 0-1 Year | 5 | 22,618,090 IQD |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | IT & Programming | 3 | 178,709,216 IQD |
2 | Health Care & Medical | 4 | 145,176,581 IQD |
3 | Management & Business | 8 | 106,383,926 IQD |
4 | Accounting & Administration | 5 | 88,631,355 IQD |
5 | Customer Services | 2 | 86,395,846 IQD |
6 | IT & Programming II | 4 | 76,927,808 IQD |
7 | Human Resources | 5 | 69,695,279 IQD |
8 | Aviation & Shipping | 1 | 52,600,210 IQD |
9 | Marketing, Sales, Purchase | 4 | 51,811,207 IQD |
10 | Hotels & Tourism | 1 | 47,734,691 IQD |
11 | Organization & Coordination | 4 | 40,765,163 IQD |
12 | Restaurants, Inns, Pubs | 1 | 32,743,631 IQD |
13 | Engineers & Technicians | 4 | 29,719,119 IQD |
14 | Education & University | 3 | 25,116,600 IQD |
15 | Finance & Banking | 2 | 16,963,567 IQD |
16 | Health Care & Medical II | 1 | 14,728,059 IQD |
17 | Architect Constructions | 1 | 13,544,554 IQD |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | IT Coordinator | 1 | 338,745,357 IQD |
2 | Business Development Manager | 1 | 257,741,032 IQD |
3 | Healthcare Management | 1 | 241,566,467 IQD |
4 | Doctor Specialist | 2 | 161,219,645 IQD |
5 | Computer Engineer | 1 | 159,904,640 IQD |
6 | Project Manager | 1 | 144,387,578 IQD |
7 | Database Manager | 1 | 141,889,068 IQD |
8 | Accountant | 3 | 128,739,015 IQD |
9 | Manager | 1 | 122,032,488 IQD |
10 | Other Human Resource Career | 2 | 114,142,457 IQD |
11 | General Manager | 1 | 109,013,936 IQD |
12 | Service Delivery Manager | 1 | 91,524,366 IQD |
13 | Director | 1 | 87,053,348 IQD |
14 | Customer Service Manager | 1 | 81,267,325 IQD |
15 | Research Coordinator | 1 | 73,377,294 IQD |
16 | Network Specialist | 2 | 62,068,248 IQD |
17 | Sales Manager | 2 | 61,542,246 IQD |
18 | Software Developer | 1 | 55,493,222 IQD |
19 | Aerospace Engineer | 1 | 52,600,210 IQD |
20 | Marketing Manager | 1 | 51,153,704 IQD |
21 | Assistant Manager | 1 | 50,101,700 IQD |
22 | Hotel Manager | 1 | 47,734,691 IQD |
23 | Other Management Career | 1 | 47,340,189 IQD |
24 | Human Resource Coordinator | 1 | 40,107,660 IQD |
25 | Human Resources Manager | 2 | 39,976,160 IQD |
26 | Mechanical Engineer | 2 | 37,609,150 IQD |
27 | Brand Manager | 1 | 33,927,135 IQD |
28 | Other Coordination Career | 1 | 33,269,633 IQD |
29 | Marketing | 1 | 33,138,132 IQD |
30 | Restaurant Manager | 1 | 32,743,631 IQD |
31 | University Professor Assistant | 2 | 31,691,626 IQD |
32 | Administrative Coordinator | 1 | 31,560,126 IQD |
33 | Non-Profit Organization | 2 | 28,272,613 IQD |
34 | Office Administrator | 1 | 25,642,602 IQD |
35 | Hardware Engineer | 1 | 23,670,094 IQD |
36 | Engineer | 2 | 21,829,087 IQD |
37 | Financial Analyst | 2 | 16,963,567 IQD |
38 | Nursing Assistant | 1 | 16,963,567 IQD |
39 | Pharmacist | 1 | 14,728,059 IQD |
40 | Other Architect Career | 1 | 13,544,554 IQD |
41 | English Teacher | 1 | 11,835,047 IQD |
What I do?
"API 653 qualified."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | Intermediate | 47,340,200 IQD |
What I do?
"- Making sure office runs smoothly. - Logistics and travel arrangement. - HR focal point. -fleet focal point. - emergency notification focal point. - communication and visibility focal point."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 0-1 Year | Intermediate | 25,642,600 IQD |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | High School | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 52,600,200 IQD |
What I do?
"Data warehouse Business intelligence SAS."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 141,916,700 IQD |
What I do?
"Managing country operation."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Doctorate Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 43,822,600 IQD |
What I do?
"Financial analysis, connections with large companies."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 0-1 Year | n/a | 17,901,200 IQD |
What I do?
"Controlling the cash movement controlling the invoices paid payments to suppliers calculate and paying salary."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 15,898,400 IQD |
What I do?
"Handling marketing communication activities and planning, as well as managing marketing research and preparing marketing budget."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 33,122,400 IQD |
What I do?
"Restaurant management in a hotel."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Some College | 8-12 Years | n/a | 32,796,200 IQD |
What I do?
"Managing company sales over 4 cities."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Some College | 4-8 Years | n/a | 31,798,100 IQD |
What I do?
"Increase revenues by managing local distributor."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 87,103,300 IQD |
What I do?
"I'm a civil engineer and superviser of project."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Masters Degree | 0-1 Year | n/a | 24,335,500 IQD |
What I do?
"HPC Cluster Software Developement (Python, C, Erlang, PHP, . . . ) UI (GTK+) Linux, Windows and Web."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 55,531,400 IQD |
What I do?
"Explosives and Radiations Safety Officer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | High School | 8-12 Years | n/a | 33,318,300 IQD |
What I do?
"Mobile PS Core for wireless networks."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 18,436,400 IQD |
What I do?
"Sales operations in Telecom."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 159,932,300 IQD |
What I do?
"Nondestructive test and welding engineer. oil and gas field."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 27,765,000 IQD |
What I do?
"Managing all HR department."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 13,327,600 IQD |
What I do?
"Teaching students assigning works."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Masters Degree | 0-1 Year | n/a | 31,821,800 IQD |
What I do?
"Ensuring repair flow is running effectively."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | High School | 4-8 Years | n/a | 91,482,300 IQD |
What I do?
"Telecom Mediation Expert."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 105,643,600 IQD |
What I do?
"General Human Resources Management. Payroll and Performance Management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 38,871,600 IQD |
What I do?
"Manage smart metering project delivery."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 144,383,600 IQD |
What I do?
"Account receivable, account payable, assets and liabilities."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | n/a | 16,258,700 IQD |
What I do?
"Software, hardware & network support."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 23,689,800 IQD |
What I do?
"Coordinate research and advocacy activities for international NGO."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 73,345,700 IQD |
What I do?
"Implement HR initiatives for Company Direct and delegate subsidiaries on strategic HR initiatives by creating and improving HR policies, procedures, JDs, rules, regulations, succession plans and performance management Implement HCM system for Head Office and across subsidiaries Branding Manager for Company and subsidiaries."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Masters Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 189,288,400 IQD |
What I do?
"Anesthsia senior specialist practicing \ in operation rooms and also practicing interventional pain management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Arbil | Doctorate Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 40,084,000 IQD |