88 |
UPDATED October 2024 About salary data? |
(based on your career and experience) |
Gross income
Net (after tax)
56.16 PHP = 1 USD |
798,061 PHP$14,211 USDManila 1,131,190 PHP |
393,106 PHP$7,000 USD |
Average salary in Davao City is 798,061 PHP per year. The most typical earning is 393,106 PHP. All data are based on 88 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 954,686 PHP. Women receive a salary of 690,743 PHP.
The most paid careers are Law with average income 3,476,180 PHP and Construction & Labor Workers with income 3,217,853 PHP.
Based on education, the highest salaries receive people with High School with salary of 2,038,535 PHP. The second most paid education level is Masters Degree with salary of 1,027,691 PHP.
Different experiences affect earning as well. People with 20+ Years of experience receive salary of 1,987,993 PHP. Employees with 16-20 Years of experience receive 1,314,097 PHP.
Salary Levels (PHP) per Year | Surveys | [%] |
56,200 PHP -
112,299 PHP
0 |
112,300 PHP -
168,399 PHP
0 |
168,500 PHP -
280,699 PHP
17 |
19.32% |
280,800 PHP -
561,499 PHP
29 |
32.95% |
561,600 PHP -
842,299 PHP
16 |
18.18% |
842,400 PHP -
1,123,099 PHP
12 |
13.64% |
1,123,200 PHP -
1,403,899 PHP
3 |
3.41% |
1,404,000 PHP -
1,684,699 PHP
1 |
1.14% |
1,684,700 PHP -
1,965,499 PHP
4 |
4.55% |
1,965,500 PHP -
2,246,299 PHP
2 |
2.27% |
2,246,300 PHP -
2,527,099 PHP
1 |
1.14% |
2,527,100 PHP -
2,807,799 PHP
1 |
1.14% |
2,807,900 PHP -
3,088,599 PHP
0 |
3,088,700 PHP -
3,369,399 PHP
0 |
3,369,500 PHP -
3,650,199 PHP
1 |
1.14% |
3,650,300 PHP -
3,930,999 PHP
0 |
3,931,100 PHP -
4,211,799 PHP
0 |
4,211,900 PHP -
4,492,599 PHP
0 |
4,492,600 PHP -
4,773,399 PHP
0 |
4,773,400 PHP -
5,054,199 PHP
0 |
5,054,200 PHP -
5,334,999 PHP
0 |
5,335,000 PHP -
5,615,699 PHP
0 |
5,615,800 PHP -
5,896,499 PHP
1 |
1.14% |
5,896,600 PHP -
6,177,299 PHP
0 |
6,177,400 PHP -
6,458,099 PHP
0 |
6,458,200 PHP -
6,738,899 PHP
0 |
6,739,000 PHP -
7,019,699 PHP
0 |
7,019,800 PHP -
7,300,499 PHP
0 |
7,300,500 PHP -
7,581,299 PHP
0 |
7,581,300 PHP -
7,862,099 PHP
0 |
7,862,100 PHP -
8,142,899 PHP
0 |
8,142,900 PHP -
8,423,599 PHP
0 |
8,423,700 PHP -
8,985,199 PHP
0 |
8,985,300 PHP -
9,546,799 PHP
0 |
9,546,900 PHP -
10,108,399 PHP
0 |
10,108,400 PHP -
10,669,999 PHP
0 |
10,670,000 PHP -
11,231,499 PHP
0 |
11,231,600 PHP -
11,793,099 PHP
0 |
11,793,200 PHP -
12,354,699 PHP
0 |
12,354,800 PHP -
12,916,299 PHP
0 |
12,916,300 PHP -
13,477,899 PHP
0 |
13,477,900 PHP -
14,039,399 PHP
0 |
14,039,500 PHP -
19,655,299 PHP
0 |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | High School | 4 | 2,038,535 PHP |
2 | Masters Degree | 17 | 1,027,691 PHP |
3 | Doctorate Degree | 1 | 1,027,691 PHP |
4 | Bachelors Degree | 61 | 668,280 PHP |
5 | Some College | 5 | 578,427 PHP |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | 20+ Years | 11 | 1,987,993 PHP |
2 | 16-20 Years | 7 | 1,314,097 PHP |
3 | 12-16 Years | 5 | 943,454 PHP |
4 | 8-12 Years | 18 | 651,432 PHP |
5 | 4-8 Years | 19 | 555,964 PHP |
6 | 0-1 Year | 7 | 539,116 PHP |
7 | 1-2 Years | 5 | 466,111 PHP |
8 | 2-4 Years | 16 | 376,258 PHP |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Self Employed | 3 | 2,656,273 PHP |
2 | Part Time | 1 | 1,117,544 PHP |
3 | Permanent | 70 | 763,748 PHP |
4 | Contract | 14 | 561,580 PHP |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Law | 1 | 3,476,180 PHP |
2 | Construction & Labor Workers | 2 | 3,217,853 PHP |
3 | Health Care & Medical | 1 | 1,117,544 PHP |
4 | Human Resources | 18 | 1,027,691 PHP |
5 | Management & Business | 10 | 960,301 PHP |
6 | Marketing, Sales, Purchase | 3 | 920,991 PHP |
7 | Engineers & Technicians V | 1 | 898,528 PHP |
8 | IT & Programming | 6 | 887,296 PHP |
9 | IT & Programming II | 2 | 825,522 PHP |
10 | Making Design | 1 | 679,511 PHP |
11 | Finance & Banking | 3 | 651,432 PHP |
12 | Aviation & Shipping | 1 | 544,732 PHP |
13 | Properties & Real Estates | 2 | 539,116 PHP |
14 | Customer Services | 6 | 533,501 PHP |
15 | Education & University | 4 | 499,806 PHP |
16 | Accounting & Administration | 17 | 443,648 PHP |
17 | Engineers & Technicians | 3 | 398,721 PHP |
18 | Organization & Coordination | 1 | 381,874 PHP |
19 | Public Sector | 1 | 370,642 PHP |
20 | Agriculture & Fishing | 1 | 353,795 PHP |
21 | Architect Constructions | 1 | 320,100 PHP |
22 | Media | 2 | 297,637 PHP |
23 | Salesmen & Saleswomen | 1 | 230,247 PHP |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Other Constr. & Labor Career | 1 | 5,885,359 PHP |
2 | Corporate Counsel Lawyer | 1 | 3,476,180 PHP |
3 | IT Project Manager | 1 | 2,263,167 PHP |
4 | Site Manager | 1 | 1,903,756 PHP |
5 | General Manager | 3 | 1,420,797 PHP |
6 | Marketing Manager | 1 | 1,403,950 PHP |
7 | Human Resources Manager | 13 | 1,218,628 PHP |
8 | Sales Manager | 1 | 1,168,086 PHP |
9 | Nurse | 1 | 1,117,544 PHP |
10 | Director | 1 | 1,089,465 PHP |
11 | Database Developer | 1 | 960,301 PHP |
12 | Other Engineer Career | 1 | 898,528 PHP |
13 | Bank Manager | 1 | 864,833 PHP |
14 | System Administrator | 2 | 825,522 PHP |
15 | Stock Broker | 1 | 819,906 PHP |
16 | Customer Consultant | 1 | 814,291 PHP |
17 | Call Center Manager | 2 | 808,675 PHP |
18 | Lead Administrator | 1 | 786,212 PHP |
19 | Human Resource | 2 | 780,596 PHP |
20 | Operations Manager | 2 | 713,206 PHP |
21 | University Professor | 2 | 707,590 PHP |
22 | Graphic Designer | 1 | 679,511 PHP |
23 | Administrator | 1 | 668,280 PHP |
24 | PHP Developer | 1 | 657,048 PHP |
25 | Software Developer | 1 | 634,585 PHP |
26 | Python Developer | 1 | 584,043 PHP |
27 | Construction Project Manager | 1 | 544,732 PHP |
28 | Property Agent | 1 | 544,732 PHP |
29 | Flight Attendant | 1 | 544,732 PHP |
30 | Property Manager | 1 | 539,116 PHP |
31 | Account Manager | 3 | 527,885 PHP |
32 | Engineering Manager | 2 | 494,190 PHP |
33 | Audit Manager | 2 | 477,343 PHP |
34 | CPA - Certified Public Accountant | 4 | 471,727 PHP |
35 | Other Human Resource Career | 2 | 381,874 PHP |
36 | Project Coordinator | 1 | 381,874 PHP |
37 | Call Center | 1 | 381,874 PHP |
38 | Human Resource Administrator | 1 | 376,258 PHP |
39 | Other Public Sector Career | 1 | 370,642 PHP |
40 | Fund Administrator | 1 | 359,411 PHP |
41 | Junior Accountant | 2 | 353,795 PHP |
42 | Other Agriculture Career | 1 | 353,795 PHP |
43 | Project Manager | 2 | 342,563 PHP |
44 | Other Media Career | 1 | 325,716 PHP |
45 | Other Architect Career | 1 | 320,100 PHP |
46 | Teacher | 2 | 286,405 PHP |
47 | TV Presenter | 1 | 269,558 PHP |
48 | Other Finance Career | 1 | 263,942 PHP |
49 | Manager | 1 | 241,479 PHP |
50 | Salesmen or Saleswomen | 1 | 230,247 PHP |
51 | Lead Developer | 1 | 224,632 PHP |
52 | Bookkeeper | 1 | 219,016 PHP |
53 | AutoCAD | 1 | 213,400 PHP |
54 | Food Service | 1 | 207,784 PHP |
55 | Marketing | 1 | 196,553 PHP |
56 | Other Service Career | 1 | 185,321 PHP |
57 | Staff Accountant | 1 | 179,705 PHP |
58 | Secretary | 1 | 174,089 PHP |
What I do?
"As an engineering project manager, I oversee and coordinate engineering projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and to the required standards. I manage project teams, allocate resources, set timelines, and handle risks and issues that arise. Additionally, I liaise with stakeholders, provide progress updates, and ensure that project goals align with organizational objectives."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | Advanced | 449,300 PHP |
What I do?
"Preparation of audit working papers, perform financial statement analysis and administer the overall flow of audit."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | Advanced | 253,800 PHP |
What I do?
"HR Generalist, Recruiting, Employee Relations, Compensation & Benefits, Training, Labor Relations."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | Advanced | 537,000 PHP |
What I do?
"Managerial tasks."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | Advanced | 381,900 PHP |
What I do?
"Writing, editing."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Some College | 8-12 Years | Advanced | 325,800 PHP |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 0-1 Year | Intermediate | 536,300 PHP |
What I do?
"SQL Programming."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | Intermediate | 959,100 PHP |
What I do?
"Human resources."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | Intermediate | 492,100 PHP |
What I do?
"Handle training for new hires, manage staff and assist with call queue."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Some College | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 351,500 PHP |
What I do?
"SharePoint, Google Suite."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 984,200 PHP |
What I do?
"Talent Aquisition Total Rewards Learning and Development Organizational Justice."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | Advanced | 1,073,200 PHP |
What I do?
"Call handling."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | Advanced | 380,800 PHP |
What I do?
"Compensation & Benefits, Disciplinary, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Employee Welfare."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 578,800 PHP |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | Basic | 1,406,000 PHP |
What I do?
"Oversee the organizational development initiatives such as talent acquisitions, learning and development, talent management and employee engagement."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | Advanced | 1,066,200 PHP |
What I do?
"Teaching students."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | Intermediate | 351,500 PHP |
What I do?
"Supervises Cluster, Admin, Recruitment, Employee Relations."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 785,700 PHP |
What I do?
"The Internal Auditor provides a sound internal control system in order to ensure that the organization is operating effectively. He evaluates the degree of internal control and finding recommendations for improvement. He performs other work-related tasks as requested."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 306,000 PHP |
What I do?
"Strategic HR, Employee Relations Labor Relations."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 597,300 PHP |
What I do?
"Audit all transactions from operations follow company policy and procedures."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 221,200 PHP |
What I do?
"Python Developer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 586,200 PHP |
What I do?
"I always do auto cad and sketch up rendering, i also do site work, preparing minutes of meeting and coordinating engineers on site."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 321,800 PHP |
What I do?
"People Development."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 514,900 PHP |
What I do?
"Home design and drawing."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 214,500 PHP |
What I do?
"Manage Overall Food Safety Systems."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 354,000 PHP |
What I do?
"Handles Recruitment and Hiring, Training and Development, Employee Relations, Occupational Safety and Health and Performance Management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 622,200 PHP |
What I do?
"Geotechnical Engineer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | 901,200 PHP |
What I do?
"Manage call center operations."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | High School | 8-12 Years | n/a | 1,264,800 PHP |
What I do?
"Recordkeeping and maintaining of financial data."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 0-1 Year | n/a | 326,600 PHP |
What I do?
"Audit taxation and disbursement."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 378,500 PHP |
What I do?
"Taxation and Accounting."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 0-1 Year | n/a | 180,200 PHP |
What I do?
"Oversees all departments."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 418,400 PHP |
What I do?
"Monitoring, systems and business process design, budgeting, site supervision."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 536,400 PHP |
What I do?
"I handle all facets of human resources in South Mindanao."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | n/a | 375,500 PHP |
What I do?
"Handling: 1. Recruitment 2. Policy 3. Engagement 4. Salary 5. Retention."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 375,500 PHP |
What I do?
"Tax Manager in EY Philippines."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 643,700 PHP |
What I do?
"Management and supervision of various housing construction and development."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 546,200 PHP |
What I do?
"Overall supervision in accounting execution,."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 568,100 PHP |
What I do?
"Backend PHP Developer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 655,500 PHP |
What I do?
"Solicit new client investments."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 819,400 PHP |
What I do?
"I oversee all aspects of the operations of the HR Department."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 1,942,600 PHP |
What I do?
"Leasing negotiation."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 546,200 PHP |
What I do?
"IT Manager with system engineer with deep knowledge in computer application and software."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Masters Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 1,092,600 PHP |
What I do?
"Creating designs for print and online."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 679,700 PHP |
What I do?
"Responding to customer needs by email or live chat resolving technical issues with client software installations."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | High School | 4-8 Years | n/a | 813,400 PHP |
What I do?
"Supervise and manage information technology projects for clients."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Davao City | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 2,265,800 PHP |