Salary Details - 14-20 - guyana

Salary Levels (GYD) per Year Surveys [%]
209,000 GYD - 417,799 GYD
0 n/a
418,000 GYD - 626,899 GYD
0 n/a
627,100 GYD - 1,044,899 GYD
6 100%
1,045,100 GYD - 2,089,999 GYD
7 70%
2,090,200 GYD - 3,135,099 GYD
2 35%
3,135,300 GYD - 4,180,199 GYD
1 25%
4,180,400 GYD - 5,225,299 GYD
1 20%
5,225,500 GYD - 6,270,399 GYD
0 n/a
6,270,600 GYD - 7,315,499 GYD
1 15%
7,315,700 GYD - 8,360,599 GYD
0 n/a
8,360,800 GYD - 9,405,699 GYD
0 n/a
9,405,900 GYD - 10,450,799 GYD
1 10%
10,451,000 GYD - 11,495,899 GYD
0 n/a
11,496,200 GYD - 12,540,999 GYD
0 n/a
12,541,300 GYD - 13,586,199 GYD
0 n/a
13,586,400 GYD - 14,631,299 GYD
0 n/a
14,631,500 GYD - 15,676,399 GYD
0 n/a
15,676,600 GYD - 16,721,499 GYD
0 n/a
16,721,700 GYD - 17,766,599 GYD
0 n/a
17,766,800 GYD - 18,811,699 GYD
0 n/a
18,811,900 GYD - 19,856,799 GYD
0 n/a
19,857,000 GYD - 20,901,899 GYD
0 n/a
20,902,100 GYD - 21,946,999 GYD
0 n/a
21,947,200 GYD - 22,992,099 GYD
0 n/a
22,992,300 GYD - 24,037,199 GYD
0 n/a
24,037,400 GYD - 25,082,299 GYD
0 n/a
25,082,500 GYD - 26,127,399 GYD
0 n/a
26,127,600 GYD - 27,172,499 GYD
0 n/a
27,172,700 GYD - 28,217,599 GYD
0 n/a
28,217,800 GYD - 29,262,699 GYD
0 n/a
29,262,900 GYD - 30,307,799 GYD
0 n/a
30,308,000 GYD - 31,352,899 GYD
0 n/a
31,353,100 GYD - 33,443,099 GYD
0 n/a
33,443,400 GYD - 35,533,399 GYD
0 n/a
35,533,600 GYD - 37,623,599 GYD
0 n/a
37,623,800 GYD - 39,713,799 GYD
0 n/a
39,714,000 GYD - 41,803,999 GYD
0 n/a
41,804,200 GYD - 43,894,199 GYD
0 n/a
43,894,400 GYD - 45,984,399 GYD
0 n/a
45,984,600 GYD - 48,074,599 GYD
0 n/a
48,074,800 GYD - 50,164,799 GYD
1 5%
50,165,000 GYD - 52,254,999 GYD
0 n/a
52,255,200 GYD - 73,157,299 GYD
0 n/a

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

12/12  Teacher (Woman)
Posted 18 August 2021

What I do?

"Teach children."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Bellow H. School 0-1 Year Basic 9,493,100 GYD

11/12  Office Manager (Man)
Posted 10 January 2021

What I do?

"Experience accountant."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- High School 1-2 Years n/a 2,198,500 GYD

10/12  Helper/Apprentice (Man)
Posted 09 August 2020

What I do?

"My main task is to assist technicians on the shop floor as well as my supervisor. I have a distinction in Agrucultural Machinery."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 0-1 Year n/a 1,083,100 GYD

9/12  Autocad (Man)
Posted 28 May 2020

What I do?

"To draw building plans and have a degree in civil engineering."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 4,613,900 GYD

8/12  Junior Engineer (Woman)
Posted 11 April 2020

What I do?

"Monitor computer software."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown High School 0-1 Year n/a 1,771,200 GYD

7/12  Medical Technologist (Woman)
Posted 08 April 2019

What I do?

"Test and analyse samples then send results to physicians."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 799,100 GYD

6/12  Front End Developer (Man)
Posted 17 February 2019

What I do?

"Front End Web Developer."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 1,997,800 GYD

5/12  Graphic Designer (Man)
Posted 03 January 2019

What I do?

"I create newspaper artwork, banner and other visual to promote the company."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown High School 1-2 Years n/a 935,000 GYD

4/12  Factory Attendant (Man)
Posted 21 November 2018

What I do?

"Packaging of finished goods and cleaning of factory after production is completed."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown High School 2-4 Years n/a 845,100 GYD

3/12  Accountant (Man)
Posted 05 November 2017

What I do?

"I don't know I never worked in any organization before."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown High School 0-1 Year n/a 2,557,800 GYD

2/12  Technici (Man)
Posted 27 October 2017

What I do?

"Officer commanding g6 information technology."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 0-1 Year n/a 1,432,400 GYD

1/12  Customer Service Representitive (Woman)
Posted 18 July 2017

What I do?

"Email customers answers to questions they ask."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown High School 0-1 Year n/a 736,600 GYD

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