Salary Details - 21-25 - guyana

Salary Levels (GYD) per Year Surveys [%]
209,000 GYD - 417,799 GYD
0 n/a
418,000 GYD - 626,899 GYD
0 n/a
627,100 GYD - 1,044,899 GYD
14 100%
1,045,100 GYD - 2,089,999 GYD
12 68.89%
2,090,200 GYD - 3,135,099 GYD
12 42.22%
3,135,300 GYD - 4,180,199 GYD
2 15.56%
4,180,400 GYD - 5,225,299 GYD
2 11.11%
5,225,500 GYD - 6,270,399 GYD
1 6.67%
6,270,600 GYD - 7,315,499 GYD
1 4.44%
7,315,700 GYD - 8,360,599 GYD
0 n/a
8,360,800 GYD - 9,405,699 GYD
0 n/a
9,405,900 GYD - 10,450,799 GYD
0 n/a
10,451,000 GYD - 11,495,899 GYD
0 n/a
11,496,200 GYD - 12,540,999 GYD
0 n/a
12,541,300 GYD - 13,586,199 GYD
0 n/a
13,586,400 GYD - 14,631,299 GYD
0 n/a
14,631,500 GYD - 15,676,399 GYD
0 n/a
15,676,600 GYD - 16,721,499 GYD
0 n/a
16,721,700 GYD - 17,766,599 GYD
0 n/a
17,766,800 GYD - 18,811,699 GYD
0 n/a
18,811,900 GYD - 19,856,799 GYD
0 n/a
19,857,000 GYD - 20,901,899 GYD
0 n/a
20,902,100 GYD - 21,946,999 GYD
1 2.22%
21,947,200 GYD - 22,992,099 GYD
0 n/a
22,992,300 GYD - 24,037,199 GYD
0 n/a
24,037,400 GYD - 25,082,299 GYD
0 n/a
25,082,500 GYD - 26,127,399 GYD
0 n/a
26,127,600 GYD - 27,172,499 GYD
0 n/a
27,172,700 GYD - 28,217,599 GYD
0 n/a
28,217,800 GYD - 29,262,699 GYD
0 n/a
29,262,900 GYD - 30,307,799 GYD
0 n/a
30,308,000 GYD - 31,352,899 GYD
0 n/a
31,353,100 GYD - 33,443,099 GYD
0 n/a
33,443,400 GYD - 35,533,399 GYD
0 n/a
35,533,600 GYD - 37,623,599 GYD
0 n/a
37,623,800 GYD - 39,713,799 GYD
0 n/a
39,714,000 GYD - 41,803,999 GYD
0 n/a
41,804,200 GYD - 43,894,199 GYD
0 n/a
43,894,400 GYD - 45,984,399 GYD
0 n/a
45,984,600 GYD - 48,074,599 GYD
0 n/a
48,074,800 GYD - 50,164,799 GYD
0 n/a
50,165,000 GYD - 52,254,999 GYD
0 n/a
52,255,200 GYD - 73,157,299 GYD
0 n/a

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

26/26  Full Stack Developer (Man)
Posted 17 March 2022

What I do?

"Build IT programs."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 5,389,400 GYD

25/26  Operations Manager (Woman)
Posted 09 March 2021

What I do?

"Diploma marketing, CXC."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 1-2 Years n/a 1,753,700 GYD

24/26  Waitress (Woman)
Posted 23 April 2020

What I do?

"First aid, caring for the elderly, health and fundamental."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown High School 2-4 Years n/a 801,200 GYD

23/26  Treaty Assistant (Woman)
Posted 30 January 2020

What I do?

"Review treaties, provide advise on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 1,480,300 GYD

22/26  Teacher (Woman)
Posted 23 November 2019

What I do?

"I teach from Grade 7 to Grade 12 both Visual Art and Home Economics. I'm also the school's liaison officer and counselor. I've been teaching nearly 4 years now. The salary is not quite desirable for someone like me that have that amount of responsibilities. I've always dreamed of going to University but there seems to be no clear path due the annual amount after tax that I receive."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown High School 2-4 Years n/a 851,100 GYD

21/26  Trained Graduate (Woman)
Posted 26 August 2019

What I do?

"Subject specialist. Teach from 9 to 3."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years n/a 1,390,200 GYD

20/26  Project Assistant (Woman)
Posted 13 June 2019

What I do?

"Coordinate, Support, Maintain Database, Events, Project Team."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 2,265,600 GYD

19/26  Senior Accountant (Man)
Posted 24 March 2019

What I do?

"Senior Accountant."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 3,719,700 GYD

18/26  Prosecutor (Woman)
Posted 21 January 2019

What I do?

"Very rewarding."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years n/a 3,236,700 GYD

17/26  Dentist (Woman)
Posted 29 December 2018

What I do?

"Restorative and other forms of care of teeth."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 2,079,300 GYD

16/26  Web Development (Man)
Posted 10 December 2018

What I do?

"Creating, maintain and restructuring websites for customers."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 4,586,800 GYD

15/26  Chemist (Woman)
Posted 06 December 2018

What I do?

"Just acquired a bachelor degree in chemistry."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 1,528,800 GYD

14/26  Geologist (Woman)
Posted 31 October 2018

What I do?

"Geochemical and Geological surveys."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 5,033,200 GYD

13/26  Snr. Administrator (Man)
Posted 24 October 2018

What I do?

"Departmental Support and Internal Audit Review."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years n/a 2,242,400 GYD

12/26  Nursing Assistant (Woman)
Posted 12 October 2018

What I do?

"Vital signs, share some kinds of medication, tidying of patients."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 2-4 Years n/a 844,900 GYD

11/26  Microscopist 2 (Man)
Posted 28 September 2018

What I do?

"Diagnosing of malaria blood smears and quality control."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Some College 4-8 Years n/a 950,800 GYD

10/26  Chemist (Man)
Posted 05 September 2018

What I do?

"Inspections, lab analysis, quality controls and quality assurance."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years n/a 1,834,600 GYD

9/26  Analyst (Woman)
Posted 05 September 2018

What I do?

"Analyse data and other things."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 1,161,900 GYD

8/26  Manager (Man)
Posted 17 August 2018

What I do?

"Supervise emplyees and make sure business is ran properly."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 2-4 Years n/a 1,223,000 GYD

7/26  Pharmacy Manager (Woman)
Posted 20 May 2018

What I do?

"Sole pharmacist responsible for managing, dispensing and supporting pharmacy operations."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 1,467,700 GYD

6/26  Personal Assistant (Woman)
Posted 13 March 2018
City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 1,834,600 GYD

5/26  Forensic Support Officer (Woman)
Posted 15 November 2017

What I do?

"Assist Forensic Science Officers."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years n/a 739,700 GYD

4/26  Accounts Clerk 11 (Man)
Posted 01 November 2017

What I do?

"Preparing of claims and inspection and payment of major works."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- High School 2-4 Years n/a 818,500 GYD

3/26  Receptionist (Man)
Posted 16 October 2017

What I do?

"Manage reservations and bookings for guests."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- High School 0-1 Year n/a 736,600 GYD

2/26  Pharmacy Intern (Man)
Posted 20 August 2017

What I do?

"Currently, I am a pharmacy intern at the main public hospital in Georgetown, Guyana - Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where I round with doctors, pharmacists and medical students."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 736,600 GYD

1/26  General Clerk (Man)
Posted 24 July 2017

What I do?

"The Handling of contracts and payments for contractors. Data collecting of Audits and documenting transactions of workers,."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 2-4 Years n/a 789,100 GYD

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