Salary Details - 31-35 - guyana

Salary Levels (GYD) per Year Surveys [%]
209,000 GYD - 417,799 GYD
0 n/a
418,000 GYD - 626,899 GYD
0 n/a
627,100 GYD - 1,044,899 GYD
3 100%
1,045,100 GYD - 2,089,999 GYD
7 90.63%
2,090,200 GYD - 3,135,099 GYD
7 68.75%
3,135,300 GYD - 4,180,199 GYD
3 46.88%
4,180,400 GYD - 5,225,299 GYD
3 37.5%
5,225,500 GYD - 6,270,399 GYD
2 28.13%
6,270,600 GYD - 7,315,499 GYD
1 21.88%
7,315,700 GYD - 8,360,599 GYD
1 18.75%
8,360,800 GYD - 9,405,699 GYD
1 15.63%
9,405,900 GYD - 10,450,799 GYD
0 n/a
10,451,000 GYD - 11,495,899 GYD
1 12.5%
11,496,200 GYD - 12,540,999 GYD
1 9.38%
12,541,300 GYD - 13,586,199 GYD
0 n/a
13,586,400 GYD - 14,631,299 GYD
0 n/a
14,631,500 GYD - 15,676,399 GYD
1 6.25%
15,676,600 GYD - 16,721,499 GYD
0 n/a
16,721,700 GYD - 17,766,599 GYD
0 n/a
17,766,800 GYD - 18,811,699 GYD
0 n/a
18,811,900 GYD - 19,856,799 GYD
0 n/a
19,857,000 GYD - 20,901,899 GYD
1 3.13%
20,902,100 GYD - 21,946,999 GYD
0 n/a
21,947,200 GYD - 22,992,099 GYD
0 n/a
22,992,300 GYD - 24,037,199 GYD
0 n/a
24,037,400 GYD - 25,082,299 GYD
0 n/a
25,082,500 GYD - 26,127,399 GYD
0 n/a
26,127,600 GYD - 27,172,499 GYD
0 n/a
27,172,700 GYD - 28,217,599 GYD
0 n/a
28,217,800 GYD - 29,262,699 GYD
0 n/a
29,262,900 GYD - 30,307,799 GYD
0 n/a
30,308,000 GYD - 31,352,899 GYD
0 n/a
31,353,100 GYD - 33,443,099 GYD
0 n/a
33,443,400 GYD - 35,533,399 GYD
0 n/a
35,533,600 GYD - 37,623,599 GYD
0 n/a
37,623,800 GYD - 39,713,799 GYD
0 n/a
39,714,000 GYD - 41,803,999 GYD
0 n/a
41,804,200 GYD - 43,894,199 GYD
0 n/a
43,894,400 GYD - 45,984,399 GYD
0 n/a
45,984,600 GYD - 48,074,599 GYD
0 n/a
48,074,800 GYD - 50,164,799 GYD
0 n/a
50,165,000 GYD - 52,254,999 GYD
0 n/a
52,255,200 GYD - 73,157,299 GYD
0 n/a

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

22/22  Human Resources Officer (Woman)
Posted 22 May 2023

What I do?

"Labour Laws SOPs HR Principles Recruitment Compensation Insurance Administrative."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years Intermediate 2,285,000 GYD

21/22  Academic Head (Man)
Posted 17 May 2023

What I do?

"Academic goveranance."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Masters Degree 8-12 Years Expert 1,901,300 GYD

20/22  Hewllo (Man)
Posted 30 August 2021

What I do?


City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Masters Degree 16-20 Years Expert 5,076,100 GYD

19/22  Field Analyst (Woman)
Posted 26 August 2020

What I do?

"Excel, Peachtree, QuickBooks, Management Information, Recording financial transactions."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 4-8 Years n/a 866,600 GYD

18/22  Sales, Marketing And Bsuiness Development Leader (Man)
Posted 22 April 2020

What I do?

"Technical Sales Marketing of Services rendered to the MNCs arriving to work in the emerging O&G sector in Guyana. Strategic Business Development. B2B, B2C selling. Project Management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 10,832,700 GYD

17/22  Medical Intern (Man)
Posted 22 December 2019

What I do?

"Am a young Medical doctor, currently doing my internship, and will be finishing by March 2020, A hard and dedicated worker."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year n/a 1,558,300 GYD

16/22  Marketing Professional (Woman)
Posted 23 October 2019

What I do?

"Social media, content development, graphic design."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Masters Degree 8-12 Years n/a 8,334,700 GYD

15/22  Analyst Programmer (Man)
Posted 12 September 2019

What I do?

"Analyse, develop and deploy custom web based software applications and implement and configure enterprise software applications to be efficiently used."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years n/a 5,438,500 GYD

14/22  General Physician (Man)
Posted 10 April 2019

What I do?

"To see general outpatient everyday and to attend to nursing home residents on rounds."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 11,988,000 GYD

13/22  Assistant (Woman)
Posted 28 March 2019

What I do?

"Assistant to Attache."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 12-16 Years n/a 2,721,200 GYD

12/22  Company Commander (Man)
Posted 17 February 2019

What I do?

"Manage a company size unit (60 to 85 men) in the execution of Defence and Security duties at the Frontiers and around the cities of the country."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
--Other-- Masters Degree 16-20 Years n/a 3,248,600 GYD

Posted 08 January 2019

What I do?

"I have my own nursing home."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 5,993,900 GYD

10/22  Service Station Supervisor (Woman)
Posted 23 November 2018

What I do?

"Supervise entire service station."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years n/a 1,700,200 GYD

9/22  HUMAN RESOURCE (Woman)
Posted 11 October 2018

What I do?


City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 2-4 Years n/a 2,201,600 GYD

8/22  Store Manager (Man)
Posted 08 October 2018

What I do?

"Financial and operations management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 4,256,500 GYD

7/22  Business Development Manager (Woman)
Posted 21 August 2018

What I do?

"Marketing, Public Relations, Research, Sales."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Masters Degree 4-8 Years n/a 3,302,500 GYD

6/22  Security Manager (Man)
Posted 17 June 2018

What I do?

"In charge of all security aspects with 30 employees."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 20,386,200 GYD

5/22  Director Administration (Woman)
Posted 05 June 2018

What I do?

"Administration, Human Resource, Transportation, Facilities."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Masters Degree 8-12 Years n/a 7,314,500 GYD

4/22  Editor (Woman)
Posted 22 January 2018

What I do?

"Editing of all news related content."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown High School 20+ Years n/a 978,400 GYD

3/22  Secondary School Teacher (Woman)
Posted 08 November 2017

What I do?

"Deliver the established curriculum to students, preform administrative tasks."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 4-8 Years n/a 1,231,800 GYD

2/22  Accounts Officer (Woman)
Posted 13 September 2017

What I do?

"I am responsible for payroll, reconciliation, payable and receivables, general journals etc."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Some College 4-8 Years n/a 1,104,900 GYD

1/22  Architect Designer (Man)
Posted 10 August 2017

What I do?

"Architect designer and building supervisor."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Georgetown Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years n/a 2,066,600 GYD

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