Salary Details - 56-60 - bangalore-india

Salary Levels (INR) per Year Surveys [%]
83,400 INR - 166,599 INR
0 n/a
166,700 INR - 249,999 INR
0 n/a
250,100 INR - 416,699 INR
0 n/a
416,800 INR - 833,599 INR
1 100%
833,600 INR - 1,250,399 INR
2 90.91%
1,250,500 INR - 1,667,199 INR
1 72.73%
1,667,300 INR - 2,083,999 INR
1 63.64%
2,084,100 INR - 2,500,799 INR
0 n/a
2,500,900 INR - 2,917,699 INR
0 n/a
2,917,800 INR - 3,334,499 INR
0 n/a
3,334,600 INR - 3,751,299 INR
1 54.55%
3,751,400 INR - 4,168,099 INR
1 45.45%
4,168,200 INR - 4,584,999 INR
0 n/a
4,585,000 INR - 5,001,799 INR
0 n/a
5,001,900 INR - 5,418,599 INR
0 n/a
5,418,700 INR - 5,835,399 INR
1 36.36%
5,835,500 INR - 6,252,199 INR
0 n/a
6,252,300 INR - 6,669,099 INR
0 n/a
6,669,100 INR - 7,085,899 INR
0 n/a
7,086,000 INR - 7,502,699 INR
0 n/a
7,502,800 INR - 7,919,499 INR
0 n/a
7,919,600 INR - 8,336,399 INR
0 n/a
8,336,400 INR - 8,753,199 INR
0 n/a
8,753,300 INR - 9,169,999 INR
1 27.27%
9,170,100 INR - 9,586,799 INR
0 n/a
9,586,900 INR - 10,003,599 INR
0 n/a
10,003,700 INR - 10,420,499 INR
0 n/a
10,420,500 INR - 10,837,299 INR
0 n/a
10,837,400 INR - 11,254,099 INR
0 n/a
11,254,200 INR - 11,670,899 INR
0 n/a
11,671,000 INR - 12,087,699 INR
0 n/a
12,087,800 INR - 12,504,599 INR
0 n/a
12,504,700 INR - 13,338,199 INR
0 n/a
13,338,300 INR - 14,171,899 INR
0 n/a
14,171,900 INR - 15,005,499 INR
0 n/a
15,005,600 INR - 15,839,099 INR
0 n/a
15,839,200 INR - 16,672,799 INR
0 n/a
16,672,900 INR - 17,506,399 INR
0 n/a
17,506,500 INR - 18,340,099 INR
0 n/a
18,340,200 INR - 19,173,699 INR
0 n/a
19,173,800 INR - 20,007,399 INR
1 18.18%
20,007,400 INR - 20,840,999 INR
0 n/a
20,841,100 INR - 29,177,499 INR
1 9.09%

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

9/9  Managing Director (Man)
Posted 09 April 2024

What I do?

"Managing a subsidiary to a Danish company."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Masters Degree 16-20 Years Expert 22,217,700 INR

8/9  Human Resource Coordinator (Woman)
Posted 18 January 2022

What I do?

"Post graduation."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Masters Degree 0-1 Year Advanced 4,018,200 INR

7/9  AGM OPND (Man)
Posted 16 March 2020

What I do?

"Basically Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Backoffice handling, Stocks& Logistics in Automobile companies."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Some College 20+ Years n/a 816,100 INR

6/9  Principal (Woman)
Posted 13 August 2019

What I do?

"Take care of academics and curricul coordination plus exam and test papers."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Doctorate Degree 20+ Years n/a 1,747,700 INR

5/9  Business Manager (Man)
Posted 06 March 2019

What I do?

"Canvasing for new business, servicing existing clients, executing orders."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Bachelors Degree 20+ Years n/a 1,398,100 INR

4/9  Country Director (Woman)
Posted 31 January 2019

What I do?

"Country director."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Doctorate Degree 20+ Years n/a 5,766,100 INR

3/9  Chief Executive Officer (Man)
Posted 04 December 2018

What I do?

"Managing 10 B banking business."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Masters Degree 20+ Years n/a 19,477,900 INR

2/9  Director Finance (Man)
Posted 27 April 2018

What I do?

"Heading the Finance & Administartion, partnering the business and managing all other statutory responsibilities, Resident Director of US MNC."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Masters Degree 20+ Years n/a 8,830,000 INR

1/9  Ceo (Man)
Posted 08 September 2017

What I do?

"I run the companyI run the companyI run the companyI run the companyI run the companyI run the company."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Bangalore Doctorate Degree 20+ Years n/a 1,240,900 INR

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