142 |
UPDATED October 2024 About salary data? |
(based on your career and experience) |
Gross income
Net (after tax)
1362.69 RWF = 1 USD |
39,152,828 RWF$28,732 USD |
9,538,834 RWF$7,000 USD |
Average salary in Kigali is 39,152,828 RWF per year. The most typical earning is 9,538,834 RWF. All data are based on 142 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 41,016,989 RWF. Women receive a salary of 34,476,074 RWF.
The most paid careers are Architect Constructions with average income 101,656,724 RWF and Health Care & Medical II with income 85,304,436 RWF.
Based on education, the highest salaries receive people with Some College with salary of 76,310,677 RWF. The second most paid education level is Masters Degree with salary of 51,373,438 RWF.
Different experiences affect earning as well. People with 16-20 Years of experience receive salary of 71,404,991 RWF. Employees with 20+ Years of experience receive 62,138,694 RWF.
Salary Levels (RWF) per Year | Surveys | [%] |
1,362,700 RWF -
2,723,999 RWF
0 |
2,725,400 RWF -
4,086,699 RWF
0 |
4,088,100 RWF -
6,812,099 RWF
5 |
3.52% |
6,813,500 RWF -
13,625,499 RWF
35 |
24.65% |
13,626,900 RWF -
20,438,999 RWF
18 |
12.68% |
20,440,400 RWF -
27,252,499 RWF
19 |
13.38% |
27,253,800 RWF -
34,065,899 RWF
10 |
7.04% |
34,067,300 RWF -
40,879,399 RWF
10 |
7.04% |
40,880,700 RWF -
47,692,799 RWF
9 |
6.34% |
47,694,200 RWF -
54,506,299 RWF
10 |
7.04% |
54,507,600 RWF -
61,319,699 RWF
5 |
3.52% |
61,321,100 RWF -
68,133,199 RWF
2 |
1.41% |
68,134,500 RWF -
74,946,599 RWF
3 |
2.11% |
74,948,000 RWF -
81,760,099 RWF
0 |
81,761,400 RWF -
88,573,499 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
88,574,900 RWF -
95,386,999 RWF
2 |
1.41% |
95,388,300 RWF -
102,200,399 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
102,201,800 RWF -
109,013,899 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
109,015,300 RWF -
115,827,299 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
115,828,700 RWF -
122,640,799 RWF
2 |
1.41% |
122,642,200 RWF -
129,454,299 RWF
2 |
1.41% |
129,455,600 RWF -
136,267,699 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
136,269,100 RWF -
143,081,199 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
143,082,500 RWF -
149,894,599 RWF
0 |
149,896,000 RWF -
156,708,099 RWF
0 |
156,709,400 RWF -
163,521,499 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
163,522,900 RWF -
170,334,999 RWF
0 |
170,336,300 RWF -
177,148,399 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
177,149,800 RWF -
183,961,899 RWF
0 |
183,963,200 RWF -
190,775,299 RWF
0 |
190,776,700 RWF -
197,588,799 RWF
0 |
197,590,100 RWF -
204,402,199 RWF
0 |
204,403,600 RWF -
218,029,099 RWF
0 |
218,030,500 RWF -
231,656,099 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
231,657,400 RWF -
245,282,999 RWF
0 |
245,284,300 RWF -
258,909,899 RWF
0 |
258,911,200 RWF -
272,536,799 RWF
0 |
272,538,100 RWF -
286,163,699 RWF
0 |
286,165,000 RWF -
299,790,599 RWF
0 |
299,791,900 RWF -
313,417,499 RWF
1 |
0.7% |
313,418,900 RWF -
327,044,399 RWF
0 |
327,045,800 RWF -
340,671,299 RWF
0 |
340,672,700 RWF -
476,941,699 RWF
0 |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Some College | 5 | 76,310,677 RWF |
2 | Masters Degree | 47 | 51,373,438 RWF |
3 | Doctorate Degree | 8 | 40,335,644 RWF |
4 | Bachelors Degree | 76 | 30,524,271 RWF |
5 | High School | 6 | 20,440,360 RWF |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | 16-20 Years | 8 | 71,404,991 RWF |
2 | 20+ Years | 12 | 62,138,694 RWF |
3 | 0-1 Year | 10 | 54,235,088 RWF |
4 | 12-16 Years | 7 | 40,063,105 RWF |
5 | 8-12 Years | 26 | 39,245,491 RWF |
6 | 1-2 Years | 18 | 33,385,921 RWF |
7 | 4-8 Years | 32 | 30,388,002 RWF |
8 | 2-4 Years | 29 | 28,480,235 RWF |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | 51-55 | 3 | 140,902,215 RWF |
2 | 76-99 | 1 | 124,549,927 RWF |
3 | n/a | 1 | 59,822,120 RWF |
4 | 56-60 | 2 | 46,604,021 RWF |
5 | 41-45 | 10 | 46,331,482 RWF |
6 | 36-40 | 24 | 45,105,061 RWF |
7 | 14-20 | 2 | 42,107,141 RWF |
8 | 21-25 | 25 | 39,381,760 RWF |
9 | 31-35 | 30 | 33,522,190 RWF |
10 | 46-50 | 4 | 29,979,194 RWF |
11 | 26-30 | 40 | 27,935,158 RWF |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Part Time | 4 | 114,193,478 RWF |
2 | Contract | 42 | 44,151,177 RWF |
3 | Permanent | 88 | 33,930,997 RWF |
4 | Self Employed | 8 | 33,249,652 RWF |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Architect Constructions | 5 | 101,656,724 RWF |
2 | Health Care & Medical II | 3 | 85,304,436 RWF |
3 | Finance & Banking | 5 | 79,308,597 RWF |
4 | IT & Programming II | 2 | 75,356,794 RWF |
5 | Arts, Culture, Performance | 1 | 61,457,349 RWF |
6 | Automobile | 1 | 48,920,595 RWF |
7 | Public Sector | 2 | 48,239,249 RWF |
8 | Organization & Coordination | 8 | 47,012,828 RWF |
9 | Engineers & Technicians V | 2 | 41,016,989 RWF |
10 | Management & Business | 19 | 39,245,491 RWF |
11 | Education & University | 13 | 39,109,222 RWF |
12 | Human Resources | 6 | 37,337,724 RWF |
13 | Properties & Real Estates | 1 | 36,520,110 RWF |
14 | Media | 2 | 34,203,535 RWF |
15 | IT & Programming | 21 | 33,522,190 RWF |
16 | Accounting & Administration | 21 | 32,840,845 RWF |
17 | Marketing, Sales, Purchase | 7 | 29,025,311 RWF |
18 | Engineers & Technicians | 9 | 26,163,660 RWF |
19 | Logistics, Road, Railway | 1 | 20,167,822 RWF |
20 | Restaurants, Inns, Pubs | 1 | 16,761,095 RWF |
21 | Manufacturing & Labor Workers | 2 | 16,079,749 RWF |
22 | Making Design | 1 | 14,035,713 RWF |
23 | Salesmen & Saleswomen | 1 | 13,626,906 RWF |
24 | Engineers & Technicians IV | 1 | 11,037,794 RWF |
25 | Customer Services | 2 | 9,811,372 RWF |
26 | Health Care & Medical | 2 | 8,993,758 RWF |
27 | Fashion | 1 | 8,857,489 RWF |
28 | Insurance | 1 | 8,039,874 RWF |
29 | Agriculture & Fishing | 1 | 6,540,915 RWF |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Bank Manager | 1 | 171,699,025 RWF |
2 | Surgeon | 1 | 161,615,114 RWF |
3 | Architect | 4 | 120,870,662 RWF |
4 | Chartered Financial Analyst | 1 | 115,828,707 RWF |
5 | Other Human Resource Career | 1 | 94,707,001 RWF |
6 | Project Coordinator | 2 | 90,755,199 RWF |
7 | IT Project Manager | 2 | 90,073,853 RWF |
8 | Project Manager | 4 | 80,262,480 RWF |
9 | University Professor Assistant | 2 | 78,627,252 RWF |
10 | Writer | 1 | 61,457,349 RWF |
11 | Dentist | 1 | 55,461,510 RWF |
12 | University Professor | 3 | 47,694,173 RWF |
13 | Sales Manager | 3 | 46,467,752 RWF |
14 | Communications Manager | 2 | 43,469,832 RWF |
15 | Other Engineer Career | 2 | 41,016,989 RWF |
16 | Non-Profit Organization | 4 | 40,608,182 RWF |
17 | Software Developer | 8 | 39,926,836 RWF |
18 | Physician | 1 | 38,836,684 RWF |
19 | Manager | 1 | 38,427,877 RWF |
20 | Business Development Coordinator | 2 | 38,291,607 RWF |
21 | Finance Manager | 2 | 37,610,262 RWF |
22 | Mechanical Engineer | 3 | 34,884,881 RWF |
23 | Human Resources Manager | 3 | 33,930,997 RWF |
24 | Cost Accountant | 1 | 33,930,997 RWF |
25 | Financial Analyst | 1 | 33,930,997 RWF |
26 | CPA - Certified Public Accountant | 2 | 33,794,728 RWF |
27 | Chartered Accountant | 2 | 32,432,038 RWF |
28 | Engineering Manager | 3 | 32,023,230 RWF |
29 | Operations Manager | 1 | 31,478,154 RWF |
30 | Business Development Manager | 1 | 29,434,118 RWF |
31 | IT Manager | 5 | 27,253,813 RWF |
32 | Sales | 1 | 26,436,199 RWF |
33 | Lecturer | 5 | 26,163,660 RWF |
34 | Program Manager | 3 | 26,027,391 RWF |
35 | Director | 1 | 23,029,472 RWF |
36 | Public Relations Coordinator | 1 | 21,803,050 RWF |
37 | Quality Controller | 1 | 20,576,629 RWF |
38 | Accountant | 8 | 20,440,360 RWF |
39 | Trainee Accountant | 1 | 18,532,593 RWF |
40 | Other Management Career | 2 | 16,216,019 RWF |
41 | Marketing | 2 | 14,035,713 RWF |
42 | Graphic Designer | 1 | 14,035,713 RWF |
43 | Lead Salesmen or Saleswomen | 1 | 13,626,906 RWF |
44 | Public Administration | 1 | 11,991,677 RWF |
45 | Administrator | 1 | 11,719,139 RWF |
46 | Office Manager | 1 | 11,582,870 RWF |
47 | Bookkeeper | 1 | 11,446,601 RWF |
48 | Energy Engineer | 1 | 11,037,794 RWF |
49 | Audit Manager | 1 | 11,037,794 RWF |
50 | Web Developer | 1 | 10,628,987 RWF |
51 | IT Coordinator | 1 | 10,220,180 RWF |
52 | Education Coordinator | 1 | 9,811,372 RWF |
53 | Sales Representative | 1 | 8,721,220 RWF |
54 | Electrical Engineer Lead | 1 | 8,312,413 RWF |
55 | Doctor Specialist | 1 | 8,176,144 RWF |
56 | Insurance Broker | 1 | 8,039,874 RWF |
57 | Web Administrator | 1 | 7,494,798 RWF |
58 | Metal Engineer | 1 | 6,949,722 RWF |
What I do?
"Manage Health Care."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | Advanced | 38,835,300 RWF |
What I do?
"Content dissemination stakeholder engagement digital media."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 49,622,400 RWF |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | Expert | 115,828,700 RWF |
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 13,626,900 RWF |
What I do?
"NGO Project Manager."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | Advanced | 48,511,800 RWF |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | Expert | 25,088,500 RWF |
What I do?
"Book keeping."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 1-2 Years | Intermediate | 11,398,900 RWF |
What I do?
"Md traumas emergencies calls."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 1-2 Years | Intermediate | 8,240,200 RWF |
What I do?
"Engineering, research and teaching."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Doctorate Degree | 16-20 Years | Expert | 95,388,300 RWF |
What I do?
"To do all invoice of monthly and then to give report."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | Basic | 16,480,400 RWF |
What I do?
"I write all marketing materials for a small tech startup."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 0-1 Year | Intermediate | 18,573,500 RWF |
What I do?
"Demand and supply management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | Advanced | 89,256,200 RWF |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 16-20 Years | Expert | 171,699,000 RWF |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | Advanced | 26,368,100 RWF |
What I do?
"Quality Control planning and monitoring."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | Expert | 20,542,600 RWF |
What I do?
"Sales account management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 103,758,000 RWF |
What I do?
"Operation and maintenance of the power plant."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | High School | 8-12 Years | n/a | 11,066,400 RWF |
What I do?
"IT manager, operation and maintenance."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 43,024,200 RWF |
What I do?
"Leading a team of 7 developers and managing aspects of a project."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | 130,042,900 RWF |
What I do?
"Software development."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 124,509,000 RWF |
What I do?
"Bsc, Masters both from Cambridge in Economics."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 30,641,500 RWF |
What I do?
"Internship in R&D Training in Lithium-ion battery Safe Handling Graduate education."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 0-1 Year | n/a | 8,300,100 RWF |
What I do?
"Mine development Engineering design Safety and hazard considerations Project management and implementation."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 6,917,000 RWF |
What I do?
"Deal with procurement procedures IT, procurement and logistics certificates."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 11,950,800 RWF |
What I do?
"Customer relations medical promotion."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 8,744,400 RWF |
What I do?
"Academic program development."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Doctorate Degree | 0-1 Year | n/a | 9,863,200 RWF |
What I do?
"Accounting tax and finance."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 22,735,100 RWF |
What I do?
"Financial reporting."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 51,207,200 RWF |
What I do?
"* My main tasks are: - Drafting contracts - Advising client on their insurance policy - Claim handling - Marketing insurance products - Managing international and local client's portfolio *Relevant Technology: -The use of Microsoft word. - Internet as a source of research - Social media as a marketing/advertising tool. *Certificates: 2018: Attended and successfully completed insurance training in general business underwriting, claim management, business development and life assurance. 2020: Attended Advanced fire & Business Interruption Underwriting Webinar."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | High School | 2-4 Years | n/a | 8,044,000 RWF |
What I do?
"Increasing company ARPU, ensuring profitability."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 29,381,000 RWF |
What I do?
"Budget formulation. Financial reporting financial analysis Tax compliance Pay roll preparation Formulation of financial plans Expenses validation interns of material facts."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 13,990,700 RWF |
What I do?
"Adobe CS, Expert level. Cinema 4D modeling. After Effects. Websites building using WordPress framework."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 13,990,700 RWF |
What I do?
"HR Strategy, Operations and Recruitment. Tablets, Smart phones, laptops. MBA."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 94,731,500 RWF |
What I do?
"Communications, External Relations Donor Relations."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 21,860,300 RWF |
What I do?
"Team, sales and financial management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 19,402,000 RWF |
What I do?
"Design, construction documents."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | 48,094,800 RWF |
What I do?
"Fixing software issues for both Telephones and Computers Video Editor and Creator Game Developer Gamer I currently have an IGCSE certificate."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | High School | 0-1 Year | n/a | 10,201,100 RWF |
What I do?
"SUPPORT user in installing servers, configuring network devices, and much more."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 6,119,800 RWF |
What I do?
"I work in a good organisation full of innovative workers."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | High School | 0-1 Year | n/a | 73,908,300 RWF |
What I do?
"Preparing proposals technically, an overview of all works like construction, project implementation. Coordinating between the construction team and the procurement department."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | 139,816,200 RWF |
What I do?
"I serve the executive office in a bank environment."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 11,640,100 RWF |
What I do?
"Project installation testing and commissioning."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | 11,163,200 RWF |
What I do?
"Servers installation and configuration, networking tools configuration."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 6,466,000 RWF |
What I do?
"Donor management,."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 41,573,000 RWF |
What I do?
"Overall plant installation and maintenance."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | 42,619,500 RWF |
What I do?
"Reviewing various reports, logistics, translations, and departmental focal representative."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | 61,430,100 RWF |
What I do?
"-Develop web applications -SEO -Email Marketing."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Some College | 2-4 Years | n/a | 10,623,500 RWF |
What I do?
"I have 10 years of experience."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | 11,948,100 RWF |
What I do?
"Training to senior developer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 0-1 Year | n/a | 18,476,700 RWF |
What I do?
"Improve our existing tools to capture a wide variety of program configurations per country and provide functionality for a multitude of field product and process innovations. Provide central management and reporting tools while maintaining a focus on field usability. Build out efficient bulk data entry functionality with a heavy focus on data quality control, as well as field-facing mobile and tablet data entry, and reporting where appropriate."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Kigali | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | n/a | 70,478,400 RWF |