110 |
UPDATED October 2024 About salary data? |
(based on your career and experience) |
Gross income
Net (after tax)
0.77 GBP = 1 USD |
£61,803 GBP$80,689 USDLondon £65,481 GBP |
£28,339 GBP$37,000 USD |
Average salary in Reading is £61,803 GBP per year. The most typical earning is £28,339 GBP. All data are based on 110 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of £65,105 GBP. Women receive a salary of £54,535 GBP.
The most paid careers are Geography & Geodesy with average income £118,874 GBP and Management & Business with income £100,415 GBP.
Based on education, the highest salaries receive people with Doctorate Degree with salary of £92,143 GBP. The second most paid education level is High School with salary of £64,645 GBP.
Different experiences affect earning as well. People with 12-16 Years of experience receive salary of £90,075 GBP. Employees with 16-20 Years of experience receive £78,509 GBP.
Salary Levels (GBP) per Year | Surveys | [%] |
£7,700 GBP -
£11,499 GBP
0 |
£11,500 GBP -
£15,299 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
£15,300 GBP -
£19,099 GBP
0 |
£19,100 GBP -
£22,999 GBP
3 |
2.73% |
£23,000 GBP -
£26,799 GBP
6 |
5.45% |
£26,800 GBP -
£30,599 GBP
10 |
9.09% |
£30,600 GBP -
£34,499 GBP
4 |
3.64% |
£34,500 GBP -
£38,299 GBP
6 |
5.45% |
£38,300 GBP -
£42,099 GBP
6 |
5.45% |
£42,100 GBP -
£45,999 GBP
5 |
4.55% |
£46,000 GBP -
£49,799 GBP
8 |
7.27% |
£49,800 GBP -
£53,599 GBP
6 |
5.45% |
£53,600 GBP -
£57,399 GBP
9 |
8.18% |
£57,400 GBP -
£61,299 GBP
3 |
2.73% |
£61,300 GBP -
£65,099 GBP
3 |
2.73% |
£65,100 GBP -
£68,899 GBP
4 |
3.64% |
£68,900 GBP -
£72,799 GBP
5 |
4.55% |
£72,800 GBP -
£76,599 GBP
4 |
3.64% |
£76,600 GBP -
£80,399 GBP
3 |
2.73% |
£80,400 GBP -
£84,299 GBP
2 |
1.82% |
£84,300 GBP -
£88,099 GBP
4 |
3.64% |
£88,100 GBP -
£91,899 GBP
3 |
2.73% |
£91,900 GBP -
£95,699 GBP
2 |
1.82% |
£95,700 GBP -
£99,599 GBP
0 |
£99,600 GBP -
£103,399 GBP
0 |
£103,400 GBP -
£107,199 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
£107,200 GBP -
£111,099 GBP
2 |
1.82% |
£111,100 GBP -
£114,899 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
£114,900 GBP -
£122,599 GBP
3 |
2.73% |
£122,600 GBP -
£130,199 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
£130,200 GBP -
£137,899 GBP
0 |
£137,900 GBP -
£145,499 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
£145,500 GBP -
£153,199 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
£153,200 GBP -
£160,799 GBP
0 |
£160,800 GBP -
£168,499 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
£168,500 GBP -
£176,199 GBP
0 |
£176,200 GBP -
£183,799 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
£183,800 GBP -
£191,499 GBP
0 |
£191,500 GBP -
£268,099 GBP
1 |
0.91% |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Doctorate Degree | 10 | £92,143 GBP |
2 | High School | 10 | £64,645 GBP |
3 | Bachelors Degree | 48 | £62,118 GBP |
4 | Masters Degree | 25 | £58,977 GBP |
5 | Some College | 15 | £46,339 GBP |
6 | Bellow H. School | 2 | £39,752 GBP |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | 12-16 Years | 11 | £90,075 GBP |
2 | 16-20 Years | 18 | £78,509 GBP |
3 | 20+ Years | 23 | £74,143 GBP |
4 | 4-8 Years | 12 | £57,905 GBP |
5 | 8-12 Years | 23 | £51,088 GBP |
6 | 2-4 Years | 12 | £44,501 GBP |
7 | 1-2 Years | 3 | £26,884 GBP |
8 | 0-1 Year | 8 | £25,659 GBP |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Contract | 9 | £81,726 GBP |
2 | Self Employed | 5 | £62,960 GBP |
3 | Permanent | 95 | £60,356 GBP |
4 | Part Time | 1 | £14,323 GBP |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Geography & Geodesy | 1 | £118,874 GBP |
2 | Management & Business | 13 | £100,415 GBP |
3 | Salesmen & Saleswomen | 6 | £72,917 GBP |
4 | Accounting & Administration | 6 | £71,003 GBP |
5 | IT & Programming | 13 | £67,862 GBP |
6 | IT & Programming II | 8 | £65,105 GBP |
7 | Finance & Banking | 2 | £60,509 GBP |
8 | Marketing, Sales, Purchase | 8 | £58,441 GBP |
9 | Human Resources | 17 | £55,377 GBP |
10 | Engineers & Technicians III | 1 | £53,999 GBP |
11 | Education & University | 4 | £53,233 GBP |
12 | Health Care & Medical | 3 | £52,390 GBP |
13 | Architect Constructions | 2 | £48,867 GBP |
14 | Public Sector | 2 | £48,637 GBP |
15 | Health Care & Medical II | 2 | £45,037 GBP |
16 | Engineers & Technicians | 7 | £44,577 GBP |
17 | Military | 2 | £43,275 GBP |
18 | Organization & Coordination | 2 | £43,199 GBP |
19 | Construction & Labor Workers | 5 | £41,437 GBP |
20 | Security & Fireguard | 1 | £39,982 GBP |
21 | Automobile | 1 | £34,697 GBP |
22 | Engineers & Technicians II | 1 | £33,318 GBP |
23 | Logistics, Road, Railway | 1 | £28,876 GBP |
24 | Properties & Real Estates | 1 | £25,582 GBP |
25 | Customer Services | 1 | £14,323 GBP |
# | Surveys | AVERAGE SALARY / YEAR | ||
1 | Manager | 2 | £140,627 GBP |
2 | Director | 6 | £121,555 GBP |
3 | Tax Accountant | 1 | £119,334 GBP |
4 | Other Geogr.&Geodesy Career | 1 | £118,874 GBP |
5 | Accountant Executive | 1 | £111,062 GBP |
6 | IT Coordinator | 1 | £109,070 GBP |
7 | Technical Manager | 1 | £105,011 GBP |
8 | IT Manager | 3 | £97,121 GBP |
9 | Surgeon | 1 | £90,841 GBP |
10 | Program Manager | 1 | £89,155 GBP |
11 | Contract Manager | 1 | £85,019 GBP |
12 | Salesmen or Saleswomen | 1 | £81,726 GBP |
13 | Risk Manager | 1 | £80,194 GBP |
14 | Lead Salesmen or Saleswomen | 2 | £78,432 GBP |
15 | Other IT Career | 1 | £76,364 GBP |
16 | University Professor | 1 | £74,986 GBP |
17 | IT Project Manager | 3 | £74,756 GBP |
18 | Security Specialist | 3 | £73,071 GBP |
19 | Software Engineer | 1 | £69,318 GBP |
20 | Other Sales Career | 3 | £66,254 GBP |
21 | Human Resources Manager | 8 | £65,411 GBP |
22 | Operations Coordinator | 1 | £64,109 GBP |
23 | Construction Manager | 1 | £59,437 GBP |
24 | Other Human Resource Career | 5 | £58,977 GBP |
25 | Military Aviation | 1 | £57,292 GBP |
26 | Quality Manager | 1 | £57,216 GBP |
27 | CISCO Certified Specialist | 1 | £56,450 GBP |
28 | Lead Purchaser | 1 | £52,467 GBP |
29 | Unix or Linux System Administrator | 1 | £51,241 GBP |
30 | Construction Project Coordinator | 1 | £50,016 GBP |
31 | Other Medical Career | 1 | £50,016 GBP |
32 | Architect | 2 | £48,867 GBP |
33 | Other Public Sector Career | 2 | £48,637 GBP |
34 | Windows System Administrator | 1 | £48,101 GBP |
35 | Teacher | 1 | £46,722 GBP |
36 | Marketing Manager | 2 | £46,186 GBP |
37 | Web Developer | 2 | £46,033 GBP |
38 | Other Education Career | 2 | £45,573 GBP |
39 | Chartered Accountant | 1 | £42,892 GBP |
40 | Construction Carpenter | 1 | £42,739 GBP |
41 | Market Research | 1 | £42,509 GBP |
42 | Software Developer | 2 | £40,212 GBP |
43 | Police Officer | 1 | £39,982 GBP |
44 | Clinical Research Associate | 1 | £39,982 GBP |
45 | Engineer | 4 | £38,067 GBP |
46 | Other Automobile Career | 1 | £34,697 GBP |
47 | Chemical Technician Lead | 1 | £33,318 GBP |
48 | Marketing Executive | 3 | £32,859 GBP |
49 | Human Resource Hunter | 2 | £32,629 GBP |
50 | Project Manager | 2 | £31,710 GBP |
51 | Accountant | 1 | £31,173 GBP |
52 | Infantryman | 1 | £29,182 GBP |
53 | Logistics Coordinator | 1 | £28,876 GBP |
54 | Mechanical Engineer | 1 | £27,803 GBP |
55 | Construction Worker | 1 | £26,731 GBP |
56 | Property Manager | 1 | £25,582 GBP |
57 | Human Resource | 1 | £22,212 GBP |
58 | Other Service Career | 1 | £14,323 GBP |
What I do?
"Full stack web developer using Microsoft technologies. C#, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Classic ASP, Azure."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | Advanced | £54,300 GBP |
What I do?
"Generalist adviser."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 16-20 Years | Expert | £66,300 GBP |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | High School | 2-4 Years | Intermediate | £52,400 GBP |
What I do?
"HR tasks."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 8-12 Years | Expert | £55,300 GBP |
What I do?
"Business analytics and advisory."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | Advanced | £149,600 GBP |
What I do?
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bellow H. School | 4-8 Years | Expert | £51,200 GBP |
What I do?
"Managing all projects and operations with telecom operators."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | £74,300 GBP |
What I do?
"Education professional moved into recruitment of education consultants and staff for a global education organisation, bidding for contracts around the world."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | £39,600 GBP |
What I do?
"Automation Engineer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 1-2 Years | n/a | £27,200 GBP |
What I do?
"High quality and bespoke automotive bodywork. Repair and paint. Painting, panel beating and fabrication. Supervisor duties. Organising detailed weekly work load, stock orders, staff management, team culture, customer interface, quality control, design, prototyping parts for cars, events staffing and support."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Some College | 12-16 Years | n/a | £34,700 GBP |
What I do?
"Senior network engineer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | £56,500 GBP |
What I do?
"Managing a salesteam of twelve supplying products to the construction industry."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Some College | 20+ Years | n/a | £69,300 GBP |
What I do?
"Business development and revenue growth across existing and new accounts for IT sales outsourcing services."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | £71,300 GBP |
What I do?
"20 years experience in the construction industry. The last 3 has been in management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | £59,400 GBP |
What I do?
"Research in spatial science."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Doctorate Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | £118,900 GBP |
What I do?
"Managing assets for a corporate client."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | £25,600 GBP |
What I do?
"Scientist radioactive."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | £33,300 GBP |
What I do?
"Delivery of customer projects for several customer regions."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Doctorate Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | £89,200 GBP |
What I do?
"Conducting audit planning, fieldwork and completion."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | £42,900 GBP |
What I do?
"Addressing risks through audit testing and review of financial statements."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | £31,200 GBP |
What I do?
"Ems, cloud security, Microsoft."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 16-20 Years | n/a | £94,100 GBP |
What I do?
"HR Generalist (ER, benefits, payroll, recruitment)."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | £32,200 GBP |
What I do?
"Hospitality management."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | £34,700 GBP |
What I do?
"Supporting customer."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | £69,300 GBP |
What I do?
"Work as a independent practitioner running own clincs and do independent surgical lists 3 times a week with3-4 joint replacement a week."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | £90,900 GBP |
What I do?
"Work for start up so need to set up HR contracts, policies and infrastructure to build a framework on which to build the company business on."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | £85,500 GBP |
What I do?
"I manage operational incidents for a utility company and manage a team of people on a shift pattern."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Some College | 16-20 Years | n/a | £64,100 GBP |
What I do?
"Carpentery all aspects first and second fix."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Some College | 16-20 Years | n/a | £42,800 GBP |
What I do?
"I manage various projects."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 2-4 Years | n/a | £29,900 GBP |
What I do?
"Take care of nordic sales."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Some College | 4-8 Years | n/a | £109,000 GBP |
What I do?
"Branding, Product Marketing, Literature, flyers, brochures, posters, give aways."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Some College | 2-4 Years | n/a | £24,700 GBP |
What I do?
"Logistics Co-ordinator."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | £28,900 GBP |
What I do?
"Operational risk."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 12-16 Years | n/a | £80,200 GBP |
What I do?
"Quality manager audit."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | £57,200 GBP |
What I do?
"Working in the IT industry for 10 years."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | £48,100 GBP |
What I do?
"Testing of microwave components for space-based instrument."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Doctorate Degree | 4-8 Years | n/a | £35,300 GBP |
What I do?
"European Business Development, Sales and Customer Service."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Masters Degree | 20+ Years | n/a | £71,600 GBP |
What I do?
"Day to day responsibility for the safe running of a military airfield."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Some College | 20+ Years | n/a | £57,300 GBP |
What I do?
"Reward and compensation management consulting."
City | Education | Experience | Knowledge | Gross salary / year |
Reading | Bachelors Degree | 8-12 Years | n/a | £78,300 GBP |