Average Salary - Belgrade SERBIA



July 2024
About salary data?
(based on your career and experience)

Gross income
Net (after tax)

109.18 RSD = 1 USD

3,227,254 RSD

$29,559 USD

1,310,161 RSD

$12,000 USD

Average Salary / Belgrade

Average salary in Belgrade is 3,227,254 RSD per year. The most typical earning is 1,310,161 RSD. All data are based on 406 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 3,428,254 RSD. Women receive a salary of 2,871,436 RSD.

The most paid careers are Salesmen & Saleswomen with average income 6,081,331 RSD and Organization & Coordination with income 5,819,298 RSD.

Based on education, the highest salaries receive people with Bellow H. School with salary of 8,570,637 RSD. The second most paid education level is Masters Degree with salary of 3,482,844 RSD.

Different experiences affect earning as well. People with 16-20 Years of experience receive salary of 4,771,170 RSD. Employees with 12-16 Years of experience receive 4,072,417 RSD.

Levels / Belgrade (Gross RSD)

Salary Levels (RSD) per Year Surveys [%]
109,200 RSD - 218,299 RSD
0 n/a
218,400 RSD - 327,399 RSD
0 n/a
327,500 RSD - 545,799 RSD
7 100%
545,900 RSD - 1,091,699 RSD
57 98.28%
1,091,800 RSD - 1,637,599 RSD
64 84.24%
1,637,700 RSD - 2,183,499 RSD
53 68.47%
2,183,600 RSD - 2,729,399 RSD
51 55.42%
2,729,500 RSD - 3,275,299 RSD
37 42.86%
3,275,400 RSD - 3,821,199 RSD
29 33.74%
3,821,300 RSD - 4,367,099 RSD
24 26.6%
4,367,200 RSD - 4,912,999 RSD
25 20.69%
4,913,100 RSD - 5,458,899 RSD
13 14.53%
5,459,000 RSD - 6,004,799 RSD
7 11.33%
6,004,900 RSD - 6,550,699 RSD
3 9.61%
6,550,800 RSD - 7,096,599 RSD
4 8.87%
7,096,700 RSD - 7,642,499 RSD
6 7.88%
7,642,600 RSD - 8,188,399 RSD
3 6.4%
8,188,500 RSD - 8,734,299 RSD
3 5.67%
8,734,400 RSD - 9,280,199 RSD
4 4.93%
9,280,300 RSD - 9,826,099 RSD
2 3.94%
9,826,200 RSD - 10,371,999 RSD
0 n/a
10,372,100 RSD - 10,917,899 RSD
3 3.45%
10,918,000 RSD - 11,463,799 RSD
2 2.71%
11,463,900 RSD - 12,009,699 RSD
0 n/a
12,009,800 RSD - 12,555,599 RSD
1 2.22%
12,555,700 RSD - 13,101,499 RSD
0 n/a
13,101,600 RSD - 13,647,399 RSD
0 n/a
13,647,500 RSD - 14,193,299 RSD
2 1.97%
14,193,400 RSD - 14,739,199 RSD
0 n/a
14,739,300 RSD - 15,285,099 RSD
0 n/a
15,285,200 RSD - 15,830,999 RSD
2 1.48%
15,831,100 RSD - 16,376,899 RSD
0 n/a
16,377,000 RSD - 17,468,699 RSD
1 0.99%
17,468,800 RSD - 18,560,499 RSD
0 n/a
18,560,600 RSD - 19,652,299 RSD
1 0.74%
19,652,400 RSD - 20,744,099 RSD
0 n/a
20,744,200 RSD - 21,835,899 RSD
0 n/a
21,836,000 RSD - 22,927,699 RSD
0 n/a
22,927,800 RSD - 24,019,499 RSD
0 n/a
24,019,600 RSD - 25,111,299 RSD
0 n/a
25,111,400 RSD - 26,203,099 RSD
2 0.49%
26,203,200 RSD - 27,294,899 RSD
0 n/a
27,295,000 RSD - 38,212,999 RSD
0 n/a

Gender / Belgrade (Gross RSD)

1 Men 278 3,428,254 RSD
2 Women 112 2,871,436 RSD

Education / Belgrade (Gross RSD)

1 Bellow H. School 4 8,570,637 RSD
2 Masters Degree 172 3,482,844 RSD
3 Bachelors Degree 151 3,089,796 RSD
4 High School 35 2,882,354 RSD
5 Some College 33 2,565,732 RSD
6 Doctorate Degree 11 2,281,863 RSD

Experience / Belgrade (Gross RSD)

1 16-20 Years 26 4,771,170 RSD
2 12-16 Years 49 4,072,417 RSD
3 8-12 Years 91 3,821,303 RSD
4 20+ Years 25 3,821,303 RSD
5 4-8 Years 96 3,035,206 RSD
6 2-4 Years 68 2,391,044 RSD
7 1-2 Years 33 2,096,257 RSD
8 0-1 Year 18 1,124,554 RSD

Age / Belgrade (Gross RSD)

1 56-60 1 12,086,236 RSD
2 61-65 1 7,020,279 RSD
3 41-45 46 4,465,465 RSD
4 46-50 18 4,094,253 RSD
5 51-55 8 3,995,991 RSD
6 36-40 80 3,886,811 RSD
7 31-35 104 3,384,582 RSD
8 n/a 16 2,292,781 RSD
9 26-30 101 2,161,765 RSD
10 21-25 31 2,030,749 RSD

Work Type / Belgrade (Gross RSD)

1 Self Employed 21 5,186,054 RSD
2 Part Time 9 4,028,745 RSD
3 Permanent 323 3,231,730 RSD
4 Contract 53 2,281,863 RSD

Career Groups / Belgrade (Gross RSD)

1 Salesmen & Saleswomen 6 6,081,331 RSD
2 Organization & Coordination 4 5,819,298 RSD
3 Health Care & Medical II 4 5,306,152 RSD
4 Management & Business 57 4,913,104 RSD
5 Manufacturing & Labor Workers 1 4,640,153 RSD
6 IT & Programming II 38 3,755,795 RSD
7 Logistics, Road, Railway 5 3,613,861 RSD
8 Accounting & Administration 6 3,559,270 RSD
9 Engineers & Technicians 34 3,264,484 RSD
10 Sports & Recreation 2 3,198,976 RSD
11 Marketing, Sales, Purchase 24 3,144,386 RSD
12 Customer Services 7 3,067,960 RSD
13 IT & Programming 93 2,947,862 RSD
14 Making Design 10 2,926,026 RSD
15 Human Resources 17 2,805,928 RSD
16 Finance & Banking 29 2,740,420 RSD
17 Media 5 2,620,322 RSD
18 Hotels & Tourism 1 2,434,716 RSD
19 Engineers & Technicians III 2 2,314,617 RSD
20 Engineers & Technicians IV 4 2,183,601 RSD
21 Education & University 10 2,019,831 RSD
22 Health Care & Medical 8 2,008,913 RSD
23 Aviation & Shipping 8 1,714,127 RSD
24 Architect Constructions 8 1,692,291 RSD
25 Law 2 1,528,521 RSD
26 Agriculture & Fishing 1 1,484,849 RSD
27 Construction & Labor Workers 4 1,190,063 RSD
28 Engineers & Technicians II 1 1,069,964 RSD
29 Public Sector 4 1,048,128 RSD
30 Geography & Geodesy 2 993,538 RSD
31 Insurance 5 938,948 RSD
32 Arts, Culture, Performance 3 917,112 RSD
33 Military 1 884,358 RSD

Careers / Belgrade (Gross RSD)

1 Director 8 10,197,420 RSD
2 CEO 2 9,738,864 RSD
3 System Administrator 4 7,817,294 RSD
4 Business Development Manager 5 5,579,102 RSD
5 Logistics Manager 3 5,426,250 RSD
6 General Manager 4 5,175,136 RSD
7 Web Designer 2 4,803,924 RSD
8 IT Manager 9 4,476,383 RSD
9 Marketing Manager 5 4,334,449 RSD
10 Lead Developer 7 4,192,515 RSD
11 Operations Manager 6 4,105,171 RSD
12 Manager 8 3,985,073 RSD
13 Sales Manager 2 3,941,401 RSD
14 Product Manager 5 3,897,729 RSD
15 Engineering Manager 4 3,766,713 RSD
16 Marketing Executive 2 3,635,697 RSD
17 Electrical Engineer 5 3,548,352 RSD
18 Human Resources Manager 9 3,493,762 RSD
19 IT Project Manager 12 3,395,500 RSD
20 Market Research 2 3,384,582 RSD
21 Software Engineer 8 3,308,156 RSD
22 Finance Manager 5 3,264,484 RSD
23 .NET Developer 11 3,253,566 RSD
24 C, C++ Developer 2 3,122,550 RSD
25 Other Management Career 2 3,111,632 RSD
26 PHP Developer 6 2,915,108 RSD
27 Project Manager 4 2,816,846 RSD
28 Java Developer 3 2,795,010 RSD
29 Energy Engineer 2 2,674,912 RSD
30 Other IT Career 7 2,642,158 RSD
31 Financial Analyst 6 2,642,158 RSD
32 Network Administrator 3 2,631,240 RSD
33 Risk Analyst 7 2,609,404 RSD
34 Electrical Engineer Lead 5 2,609,404 RSD
35 Software Developer 16 2,576,650 RSD
36 Graphic Designer 4 2,554,814 RSD
37 Windows System Administrator 3 2,511,142 RSD
38 System Analyst 5 2,423,798 RSD
39 Mechanical Engineer 4 2,423,798 RSD
40 Android Developer 3 2,194,519 RSD
41 Engineer 8 2,150,847 RSD
42 IT Coordinator 4 2,085,339 RSD
43 Other Human Resource Career 2 1,877,897 RSD
44 Marketing 4 1,845,143 RSD
45 Other Finance Career 3 1,845,143 RSD
46 Sales Representative 3 1,834,225 RSD
47 Architect 6 1,812,389 RSD
48 Human Resource 3 1,790,553 RSD
49 Other Aviation & Shipping Career 6 1,703,209 RSD
50 Web Developer 6 1,692,291 RSD
51 Doctor 3 1,692,291 RSD
52 Other Education Career 3 1,670,455 RSD
53 Business Development Coordinator 4 1,648,619 RSD
54 Database Administrator 3 1,539,439 RSD
55 SAP Consulting 3 1,364,751 RSD
56 Other Public Sector Career 3 1,080,882 RSD
57 Other Insurance Career 3 917,112 RSD
58 Languages Teacher 2 589,572 RSD

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

50/50  Risk Menager (Woman)
Posted 08 July 2024

What I do?

"Risk assessment in mining."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 12-16 Years Expert 1,200,000 RSD

49/50  Retail Manager (Man)
Posted 19 May 2024

What I do?

"Managing all retail operations in fashion retail and restaunrants."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade High School 16-20 Years Advanced 3,617,400 RSD

48/50  Srbksi I Srbi Produkcia (Man)
Posted 18 May 2024

What I do?

"Digitalize audo recordings and sell."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bellow H. School 4-8 Years Basic 6,029,000 RSD

47/50  Recruitment Analyst (Man)
Posted 09 May 2024

What I do?

"Sourcing, market analitics."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years Advanced 1,881,100 RSD

46/50  Chief Executive Officer (Man)
Posted 06 May 2024

What I do?

"IT, Business development, US experience."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade High School 16-20 Years Expert 13,758,200 RSD

45/50  Software Engineer (Woman)
Posted 01 May 2024

What I do?

"Software engineering."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 1-2 Years Advanced 4,367,700 RSD

44/50  Hr Manager (Woman)
Posted 26 April 2024

What I do?

"Regional HR operations. Administration Strategy."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 4-8 Years Expert 5,185,000 RSD

43/50  Deputy Project Manager (Woman)
Posted 23 April 2024

What I do?

"Organization and management of large scale infrastructure projects."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 12-16 Years Expert 7,234,800 RSD

42/50  Managing Director (Woman)
Posted 18 April 2024

What I do?

"Marketing and Sales expert, Top management, Executive management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 16-20 Years Expert 12,089,400 RSD

41/50  Construction Engineer (Man)
Posted 09 April 2024

What I do?

"Construction Engineer."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 2,893,900 RSD

40/50  Service Technician (Man)
Posted 16 November 2023

What I do?

"Maintenance, troubleshooting, hydraulic, electric."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade High School 16-20 Years Advanced 3,404,500 RSD

39/50  Hr Generalist (Man)
Posted 20 July 2023

What I do?

"HR proceses."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 4-8 Years Advanced 2,840,400 RSD

38/50  Country Manager (Woman)
Posted 19 May 2023

What I do?

"Distribution chain."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 16-20 Years Expert 4,715,900 RSD

37/50  Senior Mechanical Engineer (Man)
Posted 17 May 2023

What I do?

"Design, coordination, and leader of a small team."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 8-12 Years Advanced 3,183,500 RSD

36/50  Senior Backend Php Developer (Man)
Posted 28 September 2022

What I do?

"Backend, PHP, Symfony, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Docker."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Some College 8-12 Years Advanced 5,458,100 RSD

35/50  Software Developer (Man)
Posted 12 September 2022

What I do?

"Develop applications."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 7,032,000 RSD

34/50  Senior Network Engineer (Man)
Posted 16 July 2022

What I do?

"Network adminisration."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 5,739,800 RSD

33/50  Project Manager (Man)
Posted 12 July 2022

What I do?


City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 8-12 Years Expert 4,887,200 RSD

32/50  Senior Product Designer (Man)
Posted 15 June 2022

What I do?

"Overall digital product design consulting."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years Expert 8,027,800 RSD

31/50  Fullstack Web Developer (Man)
Posted 09 June 2022

What I do?

"Working on front end and back end for medical application."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Some College 1-2 Years Intermediate 2,112,500 RSD

30/50  Database Analyst (Man)
Posted 30 May 2022

What I do?

"Working with databases."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years Intermediate 1,402,100 RSD

29/50  Product Owner (Man)
Posted 26 March 2022

What I do?

"Scrum, Agile, Project management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years Advanced 5,793,000 RSD

28/50  Manager (Man)
Posted 11 March 2022

What I do?

"Project managmenet."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 4-8 Years Advanced 3,713,400 RSD

27/50  Developer (Man)
Posted 04 March 2022

What I do?

"Full stack."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade High School 1-2 Years Intermediate 2,104,200 RSD

26/50  Senior Researcher (Man)
Posted 16 February 2022

What I do?

"Market Research."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years Expert 2,348,900 RSD

25/50  Senior C++ Developer (Man)
Posted 16 February 2022

What I do?

"Embedded software developer."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 1,908,500 RSD

24/50  Financial Analyst (Man)
Posted 18 January 2022

What I do?

"Financial data analytics Dashboard creation Consulting."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years Intermediate 2,518,900 RSD

23/50  Architect (Man)
Posted 13 January 2022

What I do?


City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 3,977,200 RSD

22/50  Hr Manager (Woman)
Posted 13 January 2022

What I do?

"Recruting Performance Management Employer Branding."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 3,778,300 RSD

21/50  Software Developer (Man)
Posted 12 January 2022

What I do?

"Programming web and desktop apps."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years Advanced 4,736,600 RSD

20/50  Technical Advisor (Man)
Posted 04 January 2022

What I do?


City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 12-16 Years Expert 10,918,000 RSD

19/50  It Support (Man)
Posted 20 November 2021

What I do?

"Maintenance network, servers, computers, mobile devices, user support, remote support."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Some College 16-20 Years Advanced 3,977,200 RSD

18/50  Sales Manager (Man)
Posted 13 November 2021

What I do?

"Sales, Project Management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 12-16 Years Expert 3,181,700 RSD

17/50  German Teacher (Man)
Posted 08 November 2021

What I do?

"Language instruction, translation."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Some College 8-12 Years Advanced 676,600 RSD

16/50  Sales Operations Team Leader (Man)
Posted 07 November 2021

What I do?

"Managment, Sales, Contracting."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 4-8 Years Expert 5,568,100 RSD

15/50  Finance Manager (Man)
Posted 25 October 2021

What I do?


City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 8-12 Years Expert 5,303,000 RSD

14/50  Power Supply Lead Expert (Woman)
Posted 21 October 2021

What I do?

"Project management, Power supply."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 16-20 Years Expert 3,947,200 RSD

13/50  Project Manager (Woman)
Posted 20 October 2021

What I do?

"Internal IT projects."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 1,909,000 RSD

12/50  Web Publisher (Man)
Posted 19 October 2021

What I do?

"Edits websites, changes pictures, links, text etc."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year Basic 893,100 RSD

11/50  Project Coordinator (Woman)
Posted 18 October 2021

What I do?

"Project management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years Intermediate 3,659,100 RSD

10/50  Sales Administrator (Woman)
Posted 06 October 2021

What I do?

"Coordination with customers, contract management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 0-1 Year Basic 1,377,600 RSD

9/50  Hr Analyst (Woman)
Posted 06 October 2021

What I do?

"Analytics, planning, budgeting."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 1-2 Years Intermediate 2,253,700 RSD

8/50  Product Owner (Woman)
Posted 04 October 2021

What I do?

"- Managing developers - Managing contractors - Tracking product development progress - Doing market research."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 2-4 Years Advanced 4,772,600 RSD

7/50  Head Of Digital Learning (Woman)
Posted 18 September 2021

What I do?

"Digital learning project management, people management, L&D projects."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years Intermediate 3,818,100 RSD

6/50  Mba, Manager, Engineer (Woman)
Posted 01 September 2021

What I do?

"P&L, Risk Management, Production, Trading, HR, ROI, Purchasing, Negotiation."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 12-16 Years Expert 8,249,600 RSD

5/50  Lead Software Engineer (Man)
Posted 18 August 2021

What I do?

"Leading an entire project, mentoring junior colleagues."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade High School 2-4 Years Expert 8,617,400 RSD

4/50  Software Developer (Man)
Posted 15 August 2021

What I do?

"Develop software."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years Intermediate 2,999,800 RSD

3/50  Sales Operations Manager (Man)
Posted 10 July 2021

What I do?

"Key Account Management, Project Management, Business development, Sales Management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 4-8 Years Expert 6,310,500 RSD

2/50  Product Manager (Man)
Posted 04 April 2021

What I do?

"PMI institute certificate, certified PO, Agile methodologies."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade High School 4-8 Years n/a 4,447,800 RSD

1/50  Senior Electrical Engineer (Man)
Posted 21 February 2021

What I do?

"Electrical Design of Power plans. Professional Engineer."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Belgrade Masters Degree 8-12 Years n/a 3,623,500 RSD

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