Salary Details - 26-30 - port-louis-mauritius

Salary Levels (MUR) per Year Surveys [%]
138,500 MUR - 230,699 MUR
0 n/a
230,800 MUR - 461,499 MUR
1 100%
461,500 MUR - 692,199 MUR
4 90%
692,300 MUR - 922,999 MUR
0 n/a
923,000 MUR - 1,153,699 MUR
3 50%
1,153,800 MUR - 1,384,499 MUR
0 n/a
1,384,500 MUR - 1,615,199 MUR
0 n/a
1,615,300 MUR - 1,845,999 MUR
2 20%
1,846,000 MUR - 2,076,699 MUR
0 n/a
2,076,800 MUR - 2,307,499 MUR
0 n/a
2,307,500 MUR - 2,538,199 MUR
0 n/a
2,538,300 MUR - 2,768,999 MUR
0 n/a
2,769,000 MUR - 2,999,699 MUR
0 n/a
2,999,800 MUR - 3,230,499 MUR
0 n/a
3,230,500 MUR - 3,461,199 MUR
0 n/a
3,461,300 MUR - 3,691,999 MUR
0 n/a
3,692,000 MUR - 3,922,699 MUR
0 n/a
3,922,800 MUR - 4,153,499 MUR
0 n/a
4,153,500 MUR - 4,384,199 MUR
0 n/a
4,384,300 MUR - 4,614,999 MUR
0 n/a
4,615,000 MUR - 4,845,699 MUR
0 n/a
4,845,800 MUR - 5,076,499 MUR
0 n/a
5,076,500 MUR - 5,307,199 MUR
0 n/a
5,307,300 MUR - 5,537,999 MUR
0 n/a
5,538,000 MUR - 5,768,699 MUR
0 n/a
5,768,800 MUR - 5,999,499 MUR
0 n/a
5,999,500 MUR - 6,230,199 MUR
0 n/a
6,230,300 MUR - 6,460,999 MUR
0 n/a
6,461,000 MUR - 6,691,699 MUR
0 n/a
6,691,800 MUR - 6,922,499 MUR
0 n/a
6,922,500 MUR - 7,383,999 MUR
0 n/a
7,384,000 MUR - 7,845,499 MUR
0 n/a
7,845,500 MUR - 8,306,999 MUR
0 n/a
8,307,000 MUR - 8,768,499 MUR
0 n/a
8,768,500 MUR - 9,229,999 MUR
0 n/a
9,230,000 MUR - 9,691,499 MUR
0 n/a
9,691,500 MUR - 10,152,999 MUR
0 n/a
10,153,000 MUR - 10,614,499 MUR
0 n/a
10,614,500 MUR - 11,075,999 MUR
0 n/a
11,076,000 MUR - 11,537,499 MUR
0 n/a
11,537,500 MUR - 16,152,499 MUR
0 n/a

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

6/6  Compliance Officer (Woman)
Posted 04 November 2020

What I do?

"Anti Money Laundering - Combatting Financing of Terrorism."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Bachelors Degree 4-8 Years n/a 619,000 MUR

5/6  Production Supervisor (Woman)
Posted 26 August 2018

What I do?

"Supervisor of a team of 60 employee in tuna industry in night shift."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 511,100 MUR

4/6  Production Supervisor (Woman)
Posted 17 August 2018

What I do?

"Supervisor of 50 people on floor from 18. 00p. m. to 04. 30 a. m. in a tuna production plant."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Bachelors Degree 2-4 Years n/a 1,135,800 MUR

3/6  Training (Woman)
Posted 07 June 2018

What I do?

"Training clients in use of software."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Masters Degree 4-8 Years n/a 425,900 MUR

2/6  Project Manager (Woman)
Posted 24 May 2018

What I do?

"Managing signature events happening all over the year."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Masters Degree 2-4 Years n/a 1,135,800 MUR

1/6  Supply Planner (Woman)
Posted 11 April 2018

What I do?

"Monitor the rolling forecasts and drive the Demand consolidation process for the assigned products Portfolio worldwide. Control inventory levels and values – Inventory Level Projection (ILP). Drive the monthly S&OP (sales and operations planning) process and meetings with Aspen teams locally and internationally, as well as with suppliers for the assigned Product category and customers. Protect the financial performance of the strategic business unit by identifying and mitigating potential supply chain risks. Ensure operation are within the agreed SLAs on a day to day basis with Sites and Distributors: Manage Contract with Site and 3rd party distributor, or affiliate Analyze and monitor forecast accuracy and identify actions to customers and suppliers. Ensure continuous alignment on order book and key controls with the order management teams."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Port Louis Masters Degree 2-4 Years n/a 511,100 MUR

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