Salary Details - 8-12-years - tel-aviv-israel

Salary Levels (ILS) per Year Surveys [%]
37,700 ILS - 56,499 ILS
0 n/a
56,500 ILS - 75,299 ILS
0 n/a
75,300 ILS - 94,099 ILS
0 n/a
94,100 ILS - 112,999 ILS
0 n/a
113,000 ILS - 131,799 ILS
0 n/a
131,800 ILS - 150,599 ILS
1 100%
150,600 ILS - 169,499 ILS
0 n/a
169,500 ILS - 188,299 ILS
0 n/a
188,300 ILS - 207,099 ILS
0 n/a
207,100 ILS - 225,999 ILS
1 90%
226,000 ILS - 244,799 ILS
1 80%
244,800 ILS - 263,599 ILS
1 70%
263,600 ILS - 282,399 ILS
2 60%
282,400 ILS - 301,299 ILS
0 n/a
301,300 ILS - 320,099 ILS
0 n/a
320,100 ILS - 338,899 ILS
0 n/a
338,900 ILS - 357,799 ILS
0 n/a
357,800 ILS - 376,599 ILS
0 n/a
376,600 ILS - 395,399 ILS
1 40%
395,400 ILS - 414,299 ILS
1 30%
414,300 ILS - 433,099 ILS
1 20%
433,100 ILS - 451,899 ILS
0 n/a
451,900 ILS - 470,699 ILS
0 n/a
470,700 ILS - 489,599 ILS
0 n/a
489,600 ILS - 508,399 ILS
0 n/a
508,400 ILS - 527,199 ILS
0 n/a
527,200 ILS - 546,099 ILS
0 n/a
546,100 ILS - 564,899 ILS
1 10%
564,900 ILS - 602,499 ILS
0 n/a
602,600 ILS - 640,199 ILS
0 n/a
640,200 ILS - 677,899 ILS
0 n/a
677,900 ILS - 715,499 ILS
0 n/a
715,500 ILS - 753,199 ILS
0 n/a
753,200 ILS - 790,799 ILS
0 n/a
790,800 ILS - 828,499 ILS
0 n/a
828,500 ILS - 866,199 ILS
0 n/a
866,200 ILS - 903,799 ILS
0 n/a
903,800 ILS - 941,499 ILS
0 n/a
941,500 ILS - 1,318,099 ILS
0 n/a

People's individual salary examples (surveys)

7/7  General Manager Israel (Woman)
Posted 14 July 2022

What I do?

"Marketing, growth, digital, innovation."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Tel Aviv Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years Expert 411,300 ILS

6/7  Director Of Support (Man)
Posted 13 May 2020

What I do?

"Support and operation."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Tel Aviv Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 553,300 ILS

5/7  Head Of Growth (Woman)
Posted 25 December 2019

What I do?

"Project management and people management."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Tel Aviv Masters Degree 8-12 Years n/a 249,600 ILS

4/7  Chief Operating Officer (Man)
Posted 13 August 2019

What I do?

"Business intelligence, reporting, finance, operations."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Tel Aviv Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 270,400 ILS

3/7  Chief Officer Manager (Man)
Posted 23 January 2019

What I do?

"Management, product manager, product design, acquisition manager, tests and specifications, R&D."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Tel Aviv Masters Degree 8-12 Years n/a 426,400 ILS

2/7  Account Manager (Man)
Posted 23 October 2018

What I do?

"Account manager sales."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Tel Aviv Masters Degree 8-12 Years n/a 270,900 ILS

1/7  VP Strategic Accounts (Woman)
Posted 20 September 2018

What I do?

"Global strategic alliances."

City Education Experience Knowledge Gross salary / year
Tel Aviv Bachelors Degree 8-12 Years n/a 379,200 ILS

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